the power couple | kevvpowers

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Mahogany's airy moans echo off of the four white walls encompassing her. Her eyes roll back of her head from the overwhelming stimulation on her sensitive bud. "oh, you're making me cum." she moans, tucking her bottom lip into her mouth.

she rode out her orgasm as her body lightly trembled with each gentle lick down below.

"keep cumming for me." the raspy seductive voice spoke from between her thighs, he came up for air licking her juices up from the sides of his mouth.

He hovered over her, they shared a coi smile before she pulled his face down to her face.

She kisses him passionately while he slowly enters into her. she gasps into the kiss granting him access for his tongue to slide into her mouth.

"oh fuck." he groans into the kiss, thrusting in and out while her juices accumulate his thick piece.

Mahogany digs her nails deeper into his back, leaving fresh nail marks in his skin.

"oh, Kevin!" she moans with tears in her eyes, she looks pass him at the ceiling.

"aht look me in my eyes and talk to me" he instructs looking into her eyes, she meets his gaze. He quickens his speed.

"good girl. you love me?" he questions and she nods, unable to talk without moaning from his pleasureful strokes.

"i want to hear you say it." he says, slowing down.

"please, don't stop." she whimpers as her stomach knots.

"let me hear you" he urges sending one harsh and deep thrust to her core, she whimpers out.

"i love you kevin!" she moans loudly, he tenderly kisses her lips while fastening his pace, sending her over the edge making her cum four times in a row.

"i love you too, momo." he mumbles against her lips. he flips her over onto her stomach and reenters her core.

she gasps burying her head into the comforter. he starts off slow thrusting deeply into her soon he quickens his pace digging deep into her, hitting her cervix.

"s-shit, i can't take it. you fucking me so good!" she yells out hugging him tighter while he rotates his hips in circular motions, hitting her spot.

Momo's toes curl and her moans get caught in her throat. Her body shaking uncontrollably, she was going to orgasm again.

She wraps her legs around his torso but he slams her thigh and places each leg on his shoulders. Her moans fill the quiet room as he sends powerful, passionate, & deep strokes to her core sending her over the edge again.

Her juices squirt out of her making a huge mess on the bed and all over his chest. Momo pushes him out and shakes repeatedly while in fetal position from the intense love session they just had.

kevin smirks down at her he pulls her down to the edge of the bed by her ankles and spreads her legs wide open. He licked up and down her folds once before slurping her juices up. His lips wrap around her clit and he sucks it tenderly until a hickey formed.

He locked her thighs in his arms so she wouldn't escape. Her breathless panting and juices splashing filled the room.

"AND CUT! THATS A WRAP FOLKS." the film director said as everyone besides the two of them started to pack up for the day.

Kevin detached his mouth from her bud, slyly smirking at a shy looking mahogany.

"we'll finish this at home." he mumbled seductively into her ear, her vagina throbbing.

"yes, sir." she blushed passionately kissing his lips, tasting her juices. She licked her lips and bit down on her lip.

He climbed up from the bed. Mahogany seductively watched as he wrapped a towel around his torso and walked to their dressing room.

she laid in the bed for a minute before one of the network assistants came over to her with a towel. she wraps it around her body and somehow walks the same way as him.

she loved working with her husband their scenes were more intimate and the passion they had for each other couldn't be faked on camera or in real life.

"oh my gosh, i don't know how you do it." her assistant, tamela, said with pure excitement.

she couldn't help but to be turned on by the couple. "we make it look easy by imagining we're the only two people in the room. it helps a lot." she says answering the one burning question on everyone's mind.

"noted" tamela nods standing outside of the dressing room, waiting for them.

mahogany closed the door behind her, eyeing her fine ass husband. "you think you can hold out on me, hmm?" she scoffed, pursing her lips.

kevin chuckled, "get out my face with that momo. you folded faster than i ever would." he waved her off, shaking his head.

"mhm. we'll see who folds when we get home. fuck outta my face." she mugged him.

his head spun back, "I'll make you cum for the tenth time today, don't fuck with me lil lady." he threatened pinning her to the wall and closing the gap between them.

"try me" she glared, he nods forcefully kissing her adding tongue. His hand cupped her vagina and he rubbed her slit with the palm of his hand.

Her moans intertwine their steamy make out. He lowers himself between her legs placing one on his shoulder while he ate her out. "shit daddy." she moans, riding his face.

He looked up at her and smirked, coaching her. the vibrations made her juices pour out of her and drip down his chin to his neck. she gripped his head, stabilizing herself as her legs shook. "fuck, kevin! you win." she moans louder making everyone on the outside of the room stop and look.

mahogany & kevin were known as the power couple of porn. they started out doing onlyfans and once they accumulated over 8 million subscribers a talent agent reached out to them wanting to sign them.

they agreed and have been taking over the porn industry for an amazing three years. they've traveled all over the world & have ventured out to start their own adult film company that is solely focused on and surrounding black pornstars, black love, and black couples in power.

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