you got me, i got you. | drealdior

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"what you doin mamas?" Lo questioned with the biggest smile plastered on his face, showing off his pearly whites.

"trying to figure out what ima do about the house" Mel sighed, chewing the inside of her cheek as she looked at her nails that needed to be done, but was putting it off to catch up on her overdue bills.

"i told you let me help you out mamas." Lo kissed his teeth, looking down at the screen then back at the road.

He was driving to his homeboy's crib which just so happens to be Mel's cousin. "where you at anyways?" Mel furrowed her brow, changing the subject of their conversation that she didn't want to have, especially not right now.

"on my way to see manman."

"mm. what yall finna do?"

"go to the park, why? you wanna come" Lo raised a brow and slyly smirked.

"hell no, but you can slide pass my house when y'all finished. my momma working night shift and i got the house all to myself." Mel hinted, stuffing her bottom lip into her mouth.

It was no secret that the two young adults liked each other; the endless flirting back and forth, the conversations they'd have when around their small friend group, and the protectiveness they have for one another definitely didn't beat the rumors that they have something going on.

Neither of them really cared about the rumors that were spreading, it was nobodies business except their own. "I'll see what i can do mamas. I'm pulling up now, ima call you soon as i get done."

"ok. be safe, love you." Mel cheesed from ear to ear.

"i will & love you too mamas." Lo smiled, ending the call.

He blew out a heavy sigh before exiting his car. He dapped up his friends since childhood & they begun their intense basketball game that lasted two hours.



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