princess treatment pt. 2 | itsthefeel.official

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After a long night at work, janova was finally off for the next two days.

She couldn't wait to go home, shower, and cuddle with her man. She walked outside of the hospital and looked around seeing his car and him leaning on it.

she walked down the steps and over to him, greeting him with her beautiful smile.

"how was your day pretty girl?" he asked above a whisper wrapping his arms around her.

"draining. i had to train one of the new girls." she sighed wrapping her arms around his neck.

She stood on her tippy toes, kissing his lips. He deepens the kiss by slipping his tongue between her parted lips, sloppily making out with her. "don't start something you can't finish." she mumbled against his lips while pulling away.

"don't worry bout what i can't finish." he smirked licking his lips while opening the door for her. She got situated and he jogged to the other side of the car.

He started the car up and drove off toward his place. When they got in the house, nova stripped out of her work clothes and got into the shower.

She was having a solo concert when she felt someone's hands grab at her waist.

She jumped then turned around realizing it was Scar. "let me help you." he mumbled rinsing her back off with the wash rag.

He kisses her neck then down her spine making her shiver at his gentle touch.

He comes face to face with her vagina.

he kisses each of her asscheek gripping a handful in each hand. "can i take my time with you tonight?" he asks standing up straight with his dick pressed against her butt.

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