lets make a deal | quavo

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| non-smut |

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I laid in fetal position on the stained and mildew mattress that sat in the middle of the dim lit room which housed only a bucket where i did my business, and a small window that let in little light during the morning hours.

The room was cold.

I could almost see my breath and my body shivered.

The door swung open, it was one of the regular guys coming to give me my dinner. "I want to speak to your boss" i informed, he ignored me, sitting the tray beside me on the bed and walked out.

I nibbled at the food.

Atleast, they cared enough to go to a decent vegan spot to get food that i liked and could eat. I forced myself to eat what i could while saving the rest for later tonight in case I'd get hungry.

"I heard you asked for me" the deep voice spoke through the loud speaker.

"i meant face to face. stop hiding behind a wall like a pussy. i know why I'm here, you don't have to hold me captive." i roll my eyes in annoyance.

The speaker goes silent and the locks turning could be heard from my side of the door.

The door swung open revealing a tall, brown skin guy with dreads and tattoos. He walked toward the bed with his arms folded across his chest, "I'm here. what do you want?"

i stuff my bottom lip into my mouth, he is a fine hunk of man i must add, "your holding me captive, why? Matter fact, don't answer that..lemme guess my father owed you a great deal of money, couldn't pay it, but told you he would give me up to cover his debt."

The guy stayed silent, but nodded. "pretty much."

"how about this I pay you to take my dad out, we split the money from my trust and his will. Under one condition, you show me the ropes, we can take over the world." I raise a brow and fold my arms over my chest.

He thought about it for a second, the idea wasn't sounding bad to him. "ok, but I'm in charge." he cleared his throat, rubbing his beard.

I stand up from the bed, looking up at this tall figure, "we have a deal then." i smile extending my hand out for him to shake, he does his grip firm.


a/n: i really want to turn this into a book, meaning i would delete any books I've currently stalled and make this my priority.

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