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"what happened?" Tamia asks looking at her best friends as she entered the hospital room.

"she's in fucking labor, what does it look like!" Gina said in a duh tone.

"arghhhh" akira semi-yelled, squeezing her hand as she experience another contraction.

"take slow deep breathes, it'll be over soon." the nurse said as she seen the baby head.

"okay, last one. I need one big push!" she coached. with all of her might, akira managed to push hard one last time.

the room erupted in loud baby cries. the nurse cleaned the baby up with one of the towels and handed her over to Akira.

"she's so pretty." she cooed with tears in her eyes.

"she looks just like you but has ke's complexion." gina gushed with a small smile.

"are you sure this is what you want to do? image the life she'll have if you do this, kira. i don't think ill be able to keep this away from my parents any longer." tamia said having second thoughts about the entire ordeal.

she hated keeping things from her family and this was the biggest secret she kept by far and she hated it.

this was her innocent niece.

she didn't deserve this at all and didn't ask to be here.

"are you serious right now mia? our entire lives will be over and i would be a disappointment to my family. do you really want your brother's football scholarship to go to waste? he'll have to drop out of college to raise this child. His career will be over before it's started! i'm thinking about our chance at future or we'll never get out of the hood." akira snapped at her.

As much as it pained her to let this baby grow up in this dangerous world, growing up in their rough neighborhood was much worse. "akira!" keonte pounded on the other side of the door.

alexus mumbled something under her breath, standing up to her feet as mia unlocked and opened the door.

Her brother stepped into the office, confusion plastered all over his face. "you wasn't gonna tell me?" he looked at akira with disappointment laced in his voice as it cracked.

tears welled up in her eyes, "i couldn't." she sniffled, he walks over to her and their daughter.

"what's her name?" he asked looking down at the precious child before them.

"Keonte, meet your baby girl, angel keonna jones." akira smiled down at the baby.

Her heart breaking as Keon coo'd at the baby girl and her tiny hand wraps around his large index finger. "you named her after my mom." he kissed her forehead.

"yeah." akira lowly smiled, dressing

"we'll take her." the nurse spoke with joy, and pure sadness fell over the group of teens. 

Now, this was going to be hard. "it'll be okay." keonte lowly spoke taking his daughter from akira.

"she'll be right back. we have to run test and you can see her in the nicu." the nurse assured them.

He instinctively rocked her to sleep and kissed akira's forehead. "i love you baby girl." she sniffled rubbing the babies head as ke passed angel over to the nurse.

they watched as the nurse walked out with their daughter, only to never see her again.

this is a non-smut chapter & i posted in the twitter wattpad community about writing a book and they all agreed.

i made slight changes to it but here was the original concept of it.

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until further notice 💕

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