love faces | twatnapkin

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"dei, can you please stop it?" Ken softly says, trying to suppress her moans, her girlfriend had been playfully bitting and kissing her shoulder as they cuddled.

"hmm, nope." dei grins, continuing the innocent nibbling & kissing down ken's shoulder to her exposed chest.

"Deijour" Ken huffs, her eyes low and filled with lust. Dei's bites turn into pecks.

"Kenori" Dei smirks up at her girlfriend, slowly lifting up the oversized graphic tee.

Ken leans back while Dei helps her take off her shirt.

Dei licks her lips at Ken, admiring her upper body from below her. "so pretty." she grins, cupping both of ken's boobs, Dei kisses the left boob before taking the nipple into her mouth sucking and licking it.

"oh my gosh" ken let's out low passionate moans of pleasure. Dei releases the left nipple making a loud popping sound as she does the same with the right boob & nipple.

"how turned on are you?" Dei smirks releasing the right nipple. "very" ken blushes, her lady parts aroused from the foreplay.

"mmm, let me see." Dei licked over her lips, staring into Ken's brown eyes as her hand slid into Ken's boxers.

"you are wet as fuck mama." Ken's body shuttered while Dei gently massaged her clit.

Dei hugged Ken & flipped her onto her back.

They adjusted themselves comfortably on the couch and Dei continued massaging Ken's pussy.

Ken's eyes tightly closed as Dei entered one finger inside of her wetness, "fuck me." Ken moans out, her eyes never leaving Dei.

"i will soon, mama. just relax." Dei pecked Ken's glossy lips as she slowly thrusted her finger in and out of Ken at a steady pace.

Dei entered another finger, curving them upward. "s-shit, yes." Ken knitted her brows, making different sex faces while trying to extend her orgasm, but Dei was making it very hard for her not to cum.

"hold it, mamas. I'll tell you when you can cum." Dei softly spoke, still holding eye contact while her girlfriend trembled.

"lay back for me" Dei instructed, Ken nodded doing as told while Dei undressed herself.

Dei hovered over Ken, leaning forward to peck her lips. Dei kissed down her body to her inner thigh before disappearing between Ken's legs.

Ken quivered at Dei's tender and passionate touch, Ken's body arches off of the couch.

Dei's tongue and finger combo was sure to send Ken over the edge, "baby, I'm cumming." Ken moans bitting her bottom lip while gripping Dei's dreads.

Dei mumbles against Ken's folds, slurping her juices. "i need you, baby." Ken whimpers, Dei comes up for air and aligns her erect member at Ken's entrance.

Dei slowly penetrates Ken's tight walls.

a/n: yes deijour is intersex

Ken gasps, tightly gripping Dei's wrist. "look at me" Dei pecked Ken's lips once more while slowly thrust her hips back and forth.

Dei lowly moans at Ken's tightness, she'd slightly forgotten the feeling due to their extremely busy schedules and lack thereof for intimacy.

Ken felt so good to her and she wanted to cherish the moment as long as she could.

Tears brimmed kenori's eyes as deijour thrusted in and out of her, hitting her spot.

Kenori's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she closed them, breaking eye contact for the first time. "I'm not going to tell you again, look at me." Dei demanded, tightly gripping Ken's neck making her eyes pop open and a smile grace her beautiful face.

"much better." dei smirked, fastening her pace while mixing her deep strokes with slow movements. "shit baby, I'm cumming" Ken's low moans became louder.

Their bodies colliding together as the movie fell into the background. Dei looked down seeing her shaft covered in Ken's creamy substance, "good girl, keep cumming for daddy." Dei laid on top of Ken, pecking her lips while sending deep strokes throughout her body.

Ken tried to run away but Dei pinned her arms above her head, "why are you running? take what's yours, you wanted it right?" Dei lowly chuckled, taunting and teasing Ken by fastening her pace than slowly down, again.

"I'm sorry, fuckkk!" Ken cried out at the pleasure, her body doing the talking she wasn't able to do.

Dei abruptly pulled out before Ken could reach her first orgasm, "why'd you stop?" ken frowned.

Dei tapped Ken's thigh, indicating she wanted ken to hold her legs, she did and Dei recentered herself at Ken's entrance. Instead of going slow, she quickened her strokes long, deep, and fast.


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Ken deeply arches her back while Deijour's hand rubbed up and down her cream filled slit, "put it back in" Ken impatiently groaned.

Dei smacked her ass making it jiggle, she re-entered Ken stroking in and out while her thumb massaged Ken's other hole.

Ken moans throwing her ass back matching Dei's strokes.

Skin clapping, juices splashing everywhere and loud moans and groans filled the apartment.

"dammit, where you want your nut baby?"

"inside, baby." Ken smiled looking back at Dei as her strokes became sloppy. She let out loud groans and low curse words under her breath. Her body quivered.

Ken stuffed both of her lips into her mouth feeling the warm substance shoot inside of her.

Dei pulled out and Ken turned around taking Dei's erection into her mouth, cleaning up their combined mess. They took a shower together and went to sleep in their bedroom.

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