Road To Ninja

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The following chapter is considered filler and also a promotion for Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie.

Viewer discretion is advised... haha. Just kidding. My character is just going to be her Road to Ninja self.

Before you start reading, let me put context behind Nariko's behavior here.

I portray Nariko as someone who's introverted and quiet, but not around those who's close to her. She's pretty much always keeping her thoughts to herself.

For Road to Ninja, I have her counterpart as someone who she despises.. a fangirl. Nariko has a habit of liking one boy to another, making her a somewhat slut. Her appearance is the same as the Nariko in the real world, but her hair is longer and out of her face. In the real world, her and Sasuke are close friends while in the genjutsu world, Nariko has a crush on him and he's a flirt to her.

Basically, this chapter is similar to that filler episode of Naruto Shippuden, Road to Sakura, where the counterpart Sakura is in the real Sakura's world. Only, the real Nariko isn't with the real Naruto and Sakura because.. why should she? You'll find out where she is in the end.

Enjoy the story!


Day 1: Kiba

"Nariko, time to wake up!!" Sora yelled for her daughter to come to the kitchen for breakfast. She made her daughter's favorite breakfast, which was always ramen. She would take curry and unagi as well.

"You know she came home late at night", Kenji informed his wife. "It isn't like her to do that."

"Hmm.. well maybe she was training late", his wife said with a nod. "We shouldn't really get in her business, dear."

Even though they were her parents, Kenji and Sora didn't like to overwhelm Nariko. They didn't want their daughter to have meltdowns like some children do.

After Sora called her name once, Nariko made her way down the hall, and that was when her parents saw something different. Well.. just her appearance that is. Well- not much of her clothes, but her hair was longer and her eyes were visible. They were used to seeing one eye being covered along with a moody look. Usually whenever Nariko woke up from her sleep, she had a gloomy face. When they saw their daughter, she looked ready. Ready to begin her day. Weird..

"Morning, guys." Nariko said with a smile, going to the table and pulling a chair out, sitting down.

"..Good morning, sweetie", Sora replied. "You seem pretty cheery this morning."

Nariko looked confused at her mother, as if she didn't know her well. "..Uh? What do you mean? I'm always cheery. I have this dreams that make me feel happy, but you know that's what a dream is supposed to do."

Kenji blinked. "Well- we haven't seen you so cheery to wake up before."

"Huh? Ah, well now you do."

Her father squinted at her in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows. "Hm. Your hair is out of your face. That's something."

"What do you mean? My hair is always out of my face." She grabbed her bowl of ramen and tilted her head back, opening her mouth and pouring the ramen into her mouth.

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