Sweet Victory

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Summary: this is just Taylor going to the Super Bowl along with everything that went down:)

I started working on this like the day after the Super Bowl but completely forgot about it around 500 words in. I finally finished it, though! :)


"Great show, sweetheart!" Scott swift greeted Taylor as she walked quickly down the backstage area of the stadium.

"Thanks, dad!" She replied, quickly heading towards her dressing room. "Why are you in such a hurry?" Scott asked, noticing her quickness and how she barely glanced at him. "I don't wanna miss the Super Bowl." Was all she replied.

"Honey, you have plenty of time." Scott tried to calm his daughters fear of missing the beginning of her boyfriend championship football game, but Taylor just shook her head. "Barely, I wanna arrive around two hours before it starts so I'm not rushing to get everything and get to the box." She shrugs.

Scott chuckled as Taylor rushed into the dressing room. "Kids." He rolled his eyes.

Taylor quickly changed into a sweatshirt and ripped jeans and grabbed all of her stuff. When she walked out she saw Tree walking towards her. "Okay, ready to head out?" She asked and Taylor nodded. "Yep!"

"Okay, have fun. Don't do anything stupid or dumb or I will kick your ass when you get back, okay?" Taylor chuckled, but stopped when she saw Tree's serious expression. "I'll be good, Tree. I promise."

Tree nodded and Taylor ran off to head to her jet. She met her dad towards the exit and they went off to get in the jet.

When they stepped in the jet, Taylor got herself comfortable on one of the chairs while Scott looked at her with confusion. "Uh, Taylor, what are you doing?"

"Work for The Tortured Poets Department that I haven't been able to do yet, why?" She replied, not glancing up from her computer.

"It's a twelve hours flight and you just finished a three hour long concert. Don't you think you should take a nap so you're not tired for the game?" He asked.

"I'll be fine, dad. I'm high on adrenaline right now anyway. I probably won't be able to sleep." She shrugged.

"The adrenaline high is gonna crash before we even get there and you'll probably be jet lagged, sweetie." He replied.

"Jet lag is a choice." She shrugged again, her eyes remaining on the computer as she typed something.

Scott rolled his eyes and got up out of his seat, walking over to her and closing her laptop. "Hey, what the hell?"

"You're gonna be tired when we get there and you're gonna regret not sleeping on the way. There are pajamas in your bag and the bed is folded out and made, go." He ordered. Taylor sighed and stood up. "Fine." She grabbed her suitcase and headed into the bathroom to change her clothes.

After changing and crawling into her bed, Scott came in to tuck her in. "Dad, I'm 34 years old. You don't need to tuck me into bed anymore." She sighed as her dad continues to do so. "You're still my baby. You want me to sing Never Grow Up until you fall asleep? 'Cause I will. You're little hand wrap-" Taylor quickly cut him off. "No! Dad, I'm good. I Promise. I'm just... gonna go to sleep now."

"Suit yourself." He shrugged, standing up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Sleep as long as you need to, if we arrive, I'll wake you up. Night honey." Scott kissed her forehead and started to leave the room.

"Love you, dad!" She called out before he stepped out of the room.

"Love you too, honey."


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