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Sorry for any typos<3

Summary: this is just Travis at the Paris show!


"Travis! It's great to see you again!" Andrea said, waving at Travis as he walked up to her.

"Ms. Swift! How're you doing?" Travis asked, giving her a hug."

"I'm good. And Travis, I told you to just call me Andrea, okay?" Andrea replied, raising an eyebrow at Travis and he nodded shyly. "Right, Andrea. I keep forgetting." He chuckled to himself.

"So." He cleared his throat after a couple seconds of silence. "Do I have enough time to see Tay before the show starts?"

Andrea shook her head. "They got a last minute start with everything so they're trying to rush and get ready so it looks like you're gonna have to wait until after the show this time."

Travis pouted. "Awe, okay." He started walking with Andrea to where their seats were. "Oh, Andrea! This is one of my best friends, Ross." He introduced them.

They said hi to eachother while Travis greeted Gigi and Bradley. "Hey, guys! Nice to see y'all again." He said, hugging the both.

"Yeah, you too. Been a couple months." Gigi replied, referring to the trip they all took together a couple months back.

"Yeah." Travis nodded. They all quietly talked to each other while they waited for the show to start. ten minutes, Paramore took the stage and Travis knew a couple of their songs so he sang along as much as he could.

Paramore left the stage after their last performance and they all waiting some more for Taylor to come out. Everyone started to cheer when the digital clock hit thirteen seconds.

Taylor's backup dancers starts to file out to get ready for the first song and the cheering got louder as the opening part began. The intro the tour started until eventually Taylor was revealed and everyone went crazy. It was the first time Travis has seen her in person in a couple months and all he could think about was how beautiful she looked.

She got through the Lover era and started into the Fearless one. Travis knew that Taylor added The Tortured Poets Department to the setlist because she told him and a bunch of video were on his for you page about the era and everyone's thoughts on it, along with talking about all of the outfits.

Travis, Ross, Gigi, and Bradley all danced together and had a lot of fun. Then The Tortured Poets Department era started and Travis couldn't help but starts blushing when Taylor went from But Daddy I Love him into the bridge of So HighSchool.

Ross patted him on the back during it with a chuckle. "You both are whipped as hell."

Travis rolled his eyes. "Haha."

Travis watched with heart eyes as Taylor continued to sing the song she wrote about him to everyone, proudly. And he couldn't help but feel as if she was signing to him more than the crowd at some parts.

After she finished the song, she started singing Who's Afraid of Little Old Me and Travis was blown away by the perfectly portrayed anger in the performance.

"This is the stamina football players should have. I'm getting exhausted just by dancing and singing the whole time. I can't imagine how she's doing." Ross commented while Taylor was in the middle of Fortnight.

"Yeah." Travis agreed. "It's pretty impressive."

Taylor and Ross watched as I Can Do It With a Broken Heart started and Taylor acted exhausted and tired while they put her shoes on and everything before they pushed her forward and she got into professional form right when the song started. Everyone started cheering and clapping as Taylor launched into the song.

For the surprise songs, Taylor played a mashup of The Alchemy and Treacherous on her guitar and a mashup of Begin Again and Paris on her piano.

The way Taylor's eyes sparkled when she said "I'm so in love that I might stop breathing." Just made Travis fall in love with her all over again.

After the surprise songs, she dived under the stage and came back for the midnights set. Travis watched her with awe the whole time, loving how she was very confident on stage and had powers over the entire crowd.

Towards the end of the show, Travis started making his way down to greet her under the stage. As he was walking, he saw someone with a Chiefs shirt and he had to say hi.

He danced next to the stage for a while until Taylor said bye and disappeared under the stage, which is where Travis went as well to gain them a little bit of privacy.

He waited until Taylor got changed in her dressing room and she came out in search of him. Her eyes lit up immediately when he was standing right there and she ran up to him, jumping in his arms. "Trav! I was worried I would have to search for you awhile."

"Of course not, baby. You've been going nonstop for three and a half hours, the least I could do is wait outside of your dressing room so you can find me." Travis replied, kissing her on the head.

Taylor buried her head into his chest and Travis held her for a few minutes until Andrea walked up to them and Taylor finally detached herself from Travis to give her mom a hug as well.

"You did awesome, sweetie!" Andrea muttered, rubbing Taylor on the back. Taylor talked to her mom for a few more seconds before turning back to Travis. "Are you about ready to go?" Travis asked.

Taylor nodded and Taylor headed to where Travis' car was so they could get back to the hotel while Andrea took Taylor's car.

"I'm sorry you can't explore Paris as much as you would've liked to." Taylor said, leaning against Travis' chest while security drove.

"It's okay, baby. As long as I'm with you then I'm perfectly happy." Travis replied, kissing Taylor on the kid.

"I love you, Travis. Thank you for coming." Taylor yawned.

"I love you too, Honey. I love coming to your shows." Travis replied, rubbing a hand up and down her shoulder.

"I'm so in love that I might stop breathing. Drew a map on your bedroom ceiling. No, I didn't see the news 'cause we were in Paris"~ Taylor Swift

Sorry for how short it is😭

Hope you liked it though!🫶



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