Part 5~ Acceptance

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June 26th~ 1:30pm

The cameras were turned on. We were live. Lee Know's hand was still on mine. I felt like I was gonna pass out any second. 

" Step out,안녕하세요 우리는 스트레이 키즈입니다 (hello we are Stray Kids), "we all said at the same time. 

Suddenly, his warm hand left mine. 

"Hi STAY, how are you guys? We hope you're doing good. We have some big news that you probably would have heard of," Hyunjin began, as he looked at me. I felt so nervous, I definitely looked like a tomato. 

"STAY welcome Y/N!!" Changbin erupted with craziness and yelled, "My Seo sister!"

We all laughed at how mad he was going and then I stood up.

"Hi STAY. My name is Y/N and I'm the new member of Stray Kids. I know this may seem like a lot to take in but I hope we get on well and I'm so happy to have this rare opportunity."

Everyone started to clap and cheer as I slowly sat back in my seat. Changbin and Han were extremely embarrassing but it was funny to watch them go crazy. Seeing everyone go wild, I felt a bit more relaxed. It helped me realise that I wasn't the only one that was strange. I was glad to be part of a group that unknowingly helped me realise that. 

For the next half an hour or so, we ordered some pizza and ate whilst replying to the comments. Bang Chan got quite whiny when he found a pineapple on his pizza but still tried to eat it.

 After we ate, we said bye and the cameras were turned off. I felt happy as STAY was accepting me and enjoying my presence. I.N. came up to me and asked, "Noona, are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine why?"

"You looked a bit sick before the live."

"Oh I was just a bit nervous but I'm fine now thanks Jeongin. Are we done now?"

"Yep, we can go back now. Let's go!"

We all walked back to the car and were driven back to the dorms. Seungmin continued teasing Chan as Changbin started singing. Very loudly.

"Listen to my hearteu beateu. Listen to my hearteu beateu!"

After that long and loud ride, I pushed open my door and threw myself onto the bed. I was so exhausted and just wanted to sleep. But I wanted to meet the guys the the other dorm AKA 3Racha+Hyunjin. 

I changed into some comfortable clothes and began to walk to the other dorm when I got a message. It was from my friend, Min- Jun.



heyy Y/N! i watched the liveee

you looked so cool! ur finally an idol. proud of uu.


                                                         awwww tysmmm. but i was so nervous. i prob looked like a tomato.


noo hahaha. anyways i wanted to ask if u wanted to hang out one day.

my treat since ur finally an idol!!


                                                        yk id never say no to that hahaha. ill try and make some time for that.


yayyy. tyy. 

oh gtg. ill tell u the details soon





I was so happy that people were proud of me. Unlike my parents. They were always so unsupportive of my dream of becoming an idol. And now especially that I was in a boy group, they would be really mad. So I'm planning on not talking to them. 

I just really wanted my parents to support me for once but I guess that would never happen.

A/N: I'm so sorry this is such a short chapter. I'll make it up to you guys in the next chapter that will be published tomorrow. Thank you so much for the reads and the votes. I was so happy when I saw it was going up. Please continue to vote. And please don't forget to comment because I love reading them and would genuinely make my day. <3

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