Part 28~ Oh My Interview!

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3rd July~ 10:00am

The car ride to the interview was disastrous.

Changbin was yelling at the top of his lungs, Jeongin was screeching with him for absolutely no reason and Lee Know was silent. That was a bad sign. Was the beginning starting again?

I checked my phone for any messages but saw that Lee Know had read my text. Even though he didn't text me anything back, he still read my message.

Then I realised that we were here. 

I got out of the car with the other members and walked inside the building with the managers. I felt nervous for some reason but then a hand grabbed mine. My heart froze as I thought it was Lee Know since he had done that in the interview before. I looked over to my right and to my relief, I saw Felix. 

"You alright mate? You seem nervous."

God, was it that obvious?

"Y-yeah a bit nervous."

"Don't worry. It's a fun interview. We're playing truth or dare."

He said that and walked into the room where our interview would be. I do love a game of Truth or Dare.

I followed him into the room and so did the other members. I saw that our seats were already allocated for us so I looked over to look for my seat. I was on the edge so I looked over to see who would be on my right. 

"Lee Know."

Dread flooded my body as I read his name. I guess my luck had run out. I reluctantly walked over to my seat and sat in it. 

One by one each member sat in their seats. Then came Lee Know. As expected, he didn't say anything to me and instead talked to Han who was on his right. 

I sat in my seat sadly until the cameramen announced that they would start recording in around a minute. Chan started us off to introduce ourselves. 

Then before I knew it, we had started the game.

Hyunjin started off with a truth. 

"Who are you most jealous of in the group?"

Everyone started flexing themselves including me. I tried to show my "cute" side but I guess it didn't work as he picked Changbin because of his muscular body. Personally, I agree with him.

Next it was Han, who picked truth again. 

"Would you ever leave your job as an idol for $100 million dollars?"

We were all curious as Han was very dedicated to his job but was also a huge fan of money. 

"Of course not you guys! I'm a pro idol." He said in the most British accent.

Next it was Lee Know.

He picked truth again and read:

"What is your favourite thing about the person on your left?"

My eyes grew wide as he looked over at me.

I forced a smile at him as he was deep in thought.

"Umm, I like her smile. It's nice."

I looked away as he said that quickly.

Everyone made weird noises but when I looked back at the camera, I saw Seungmin on the other side  smirking at me, in the corner of my eye. 

Then it was my turn.

I chose dare as everyone was were being chickens.

"Choose a member to do a TikTok with after the interview."

I scanned the room and saw the TikTok master pleading. I picked him and continued with the interview. 

The rest of the interview went well. 

Once we were done, we got into the car one by one. 

I got in first and waited in the car. Then about a minute later, Lee Know got in. He sat right next to me and looked at me.

I forced a smile at him.

"Sorry Y/N."

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have school holidays for a week so hopefully I can update more. Please do vote and comment if you want to. Have a great day/night. I love you guys <33

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