Part 34~ Pack 'em up

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July 3rd~ 1:00pm


"Lee Know? How the fuck did you get in here?"

"Well that's not a lovely way to greet the one and only Lee Minho."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"I can name you at least 7 people named Lee Minho."

Now it was his turn to roll his eyes.

"Whatever, well, the special Lee Minho has decided to buy you lunch. It's in the kitchen. Eat it."

"What's wrong with you? You seem off."

He shrugged his shoulders at me as I walked over to see the food he bought me.

I looked into the box and saw cold noodles and beef. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Do you know how expensive beef is nowadays?"

"Anything for you," he said sarcastically as I grabbed the box and chopsticks and sat on my bed.

I took a few bites and immediately stopped when he asked:

"Oh, have you started to pack?"

"Pack for what?"

"God you have the memory of a fucking frying pan."

What was I meant to pack for?

"The trip to Japan? You forgot about it."

My eyes widened.

"Wait when is it?"

"Umm it's on the 5th of July. So... basically the day after tomorrow."

What the fuck? This man was just telling me to pack two days before travelling to a whole new country? 

"Oh my god! I need to get so many stuff! Get out! I need to start packing!"

I began to smack him as he stood up and walked out of my room. Now how on earth was I going to pack and get all the things I need in less than 48 hours?

I quickly grabbed my phone and texted my driver. 

Hi xxx, I need to shopping so pls can u come?

Before Lee Know got into his dorm, I ran out of mine and grabbed his arm.

He looked behind at me in confusion.

"We're going shopping."

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this far! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'm so sorry it was was such a short one, once again. I have a test in about two hours so I tried to squeeze this in.  I know this wasn't the best one but please bare with me.  So, how do you think shopping will go? Also, thank you so much for 500+ reads! I'm so grateful for you guys reading my stories, even if they aren't the best. Please do vote and comment if you want to. Have a great day/night! I love you guys so much <33

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