♡ 01 | Hiraeth

178 16 13

'Y/N,' Fleur Delacour elbows you as the other Beauxbaton girls giggle. 'Do any of ze boys catch your eye? Ze gentolemen here aren't too shabby, zare they?'

'They are,' you reply shortly, disdain in your voice. 'They are boys. All boys are trouble.'

'Oh, mon Dieu!' Fleur huffs, rolling her eyes. "Ma cherie, there's nothing wrong with admiring ze boy if he'z handsome. Like zat one," she adds, gesturing discreetly behind you.

You reluctantly follow her gaze, your eyes landing on a boy seated at the Hufflepuff table. Even from the Ravenclaw table, you can tell he's popular, drawing attention from both girls and boys alike. And there's no denying it, He is devastatingly, inhumanly handsome. His is a face you never expected to see except perhaps on the airbrushed pages of a fashion magazine. Or painted by an old master as the face of an angel. With his chiseled features, dark hair, and bright grey eyes, you can't help but wonder if he is , at the very least, quarter Veela like Fleur. Just then, he throws his head back in laughter, a sound that seems to capture everyone's attention.

You realize too late that you've been staring when he catches your eye, his face so absurdly handsome that it should be considered illegal, and flashes you a dimpled smile, waving in your direction. Flustered, you awkwardly return the wave before quickly looking away, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. Fleur's teasing only adds to your embarrassment.

'He's decent,' you mumble, though a small smile betrays your frown. "But let's not lose focus, Fleur. We're here to win the Triwizard Tournament for Beauxbaton, not to ogle at decent-looking boys. He's the competition! For all we know, he could be your rival in the tournament."

'Detends-toi, ma cherie! I have everything under control,' Fleur assures you with a wink as she removes her muffler. "I know just what you need—Bouillabaisse!"

'I believe the red table has it,' you suggest, glancing over at the Gryffindor table. 'Ask the redheaded guy. He seems nice enough.'

'Everyone seemz nice enough when you're quarter Veela," Fleur teases as she rises to her feet. 'Fetch ze rouille from ze yellow table, will you?'

'Sure thing,' you agree, getting up and making your way to the Hufflepuff table. As you cross the hall, you can't help but notice the boys' reactions as you pass by. Some seem momentarily speechless, while others lean in for a better look. You resist the urge to cast a Rictusempra charm on them, maintaining your resolve to resent boys. Is it too much to ask for a boy who isn't arrogant and uncivilized?

'Excuse me,' you tap the boy you had waved at earlier on the shoulder. "If you're finished with the rouille, may we have it, please?"

As soon as the boy meets your gaze, you feel the disapproving stares of the girls around you. 'Of course,' he replies kindly, holding out the dish. But as you reach for it, he withdraws it playfully, his eyes sparkling with amusement. 'If you'll tell me your name.'

The Hufflepuffs erupt into whispers and murmurs as you feel your face grow warm. Fixing the boy with a cool stare, you finally relent. 'Y/N Y/L/N. Pleased to meet you, Mr—?'

'Diggory,' the boy introduces himself with a warm smile. 'Cedric Diggory. But my friends call me Ced.'

'What do your competitors call you?' you quip, instantly regretting your words when you notice Cedric's brief surprise. But to your relief, his smile returns, and he chuckles good-naturedly.

'Well, I suppose my competitors might call me... "That ridiculously charming Hufflepuff who always seems to have a smile on his face,'" Cedric replies with mock humility, earning laughter from his friends.

'Bravo, Ced!' one of his friends exclaims, nudging him.

'Thank you, thank you,' Cedric bows theatrically. 'I'll be here all week, folks.'

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now