♡ 03 | Sparks

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'And you zust walked away?' Fleur grins at you, jaw open as you naratte the incident with Pansy Parkinson to your friends as you all sit eating at the feast, waiting for the goblet of fire to be bought out so the champions of the Triwizard Tournament can be announced.  

Of course, being a fourth-year student, you're ineligible to participate in the tournament. Fleur, on the other hand, has entered and is positively thrilled about it. However, deep down, you secretly hope she doesn't get chosen. Since your first days at Beauxbatons, Fleur has been like a big sister to you, guiding you through the intricacies of school life, shielding you from upperclassmen, and even offering beauty tips. She's more than just a friend; she's your sanctuary. The mere thought of her having to battle against two other contestants in a perilous competition described by the greatest wizard in the world as "Not for the faint of heart" fills you with dread.

A warm hand taps your shoulder, and you turn to meet those bright grey eyes.

"Oh, hello, Diggory," you greet Cedric with a bright smile.

"I thought I said that my friends call me Ced," Cedric flashes his signature dimpled smile.

"We're friends?" you raise an eyebrow, playfully. "I thought we were enemies. You know, Hogwarts and Beauxbatons."

"True," Cedric admits with a shrug, his charming smile in full bloom. "I'd like to call us...frenemies."

The two of you share a chuckle, interrupted by Fleur clearing her throat as your friends giggle, giving Cedric overly sweet smiles.

"Anyway," Cedric's tone shifts slightly, becoming more serious. "Could I have a word with you? In private?"

Your cheeks flush red involuntarily. Why now?

Without hesitation, you nod and rise from your seat, avoiding the curious glances of your friends, and follow Cedric in silence. Walking behind him, you're struck by his tall, burly stature. His slightly ruffled hair and flushed cheeks hint at recent Quidditch play.

"Giggling should be made illegal," Cedric remarks, eliciting a giggle from you.

He halts suddenly, causing you to nearly collide with him. Gesturing to someone at the teacher's table, Cedric invites them over. As the figure approaches, you recognize the enormously fat, bald, short man in a waistcoat whose buttons seem ready to pop.

"Professor Slughorn," Cedric addresses the man. "Meet Y/N Y/L/N. The girl I've told you about."

"Pleasure to meet you, m'dear," Professor Slughorn offers a firm handshake, leaving you perplexed.

"The pleasure's all mine, Professor," you manage, feeling slightly out of place as you turn to Cedric "You tell people about me?"

"Only praise, I assure you," Slughorn chuckles, patting Cedric on the back. "This here is my crown jewel, Miss Y/L/N, Cedric Eldritch Diggory. Brilliant mind, star on the Quidditch pitch, descendant of the fourth minister of magic and quite the charmer, too." He winks at Cedric. "Perhaps a bit too charming, eh?"

Cedric's embarrassed and uncomfortable lip bite doesn't go unnoticed.

"Always modest, my Cedric...Regardless," Slughorn turns to you, his eyes twinkling with admiration. " He's been raving about your Tickling charm all week to me. I witnessed it myself, presell, several Slytherins trying to break you spell unsuccessfully. Golly, even gave Professor Flitwick a spot of trouble to sort it out.'

You feel your chest swell with pride as Cedric smiles at you.

"Madam Maxime sings your praises, quite the exemplary student you are along with Quidtach captain, is that right? Not to mention, and your mother's position in the Ministry adds to your illustrious portfolio. Therefore, it is my pleasure to extend an invitation for you to join the Slug Club."

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now