♡ 28 | A New Beginning

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You have the sense that you've been sleeping for a very long time—your body stiff, as if you haven't moved an inch during all that time. Your mind feels dazed and sluggish, filled with strange, colorful dreams that swirl dizzily inside your head. They're vivid, both horrible nightmares and heavenly visions, all mixed together in a bizarre jumble. There's sharp impatience and fear, a frustrating dream where your feet can't move fast enough. And there are plenty of monsters—red-eyed fiends, death eaters, Voldemort. The dream is still strong; you can even remember the names. But the clearest, strongest part of the dream isn't the horror. It's the angel that shines brightest.

It's hard to let go of the dream and wake up, even though your joints are screaming for you to stretch and get out of bed. As you rouse, you tilt your head just a bit and catch your breath. Does everyone look younger when they sleep? Because right now, Cedric looks so peaceful, eyelashes noticeably long, eyes closed in serene repose. His skin is supple and smooth, bathed in the late afternoon light filtering through the windows, giving it a healthy golden glow. A small smile graces his lips, his resting face a picture of tranquility. You feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest in a silent snore, his unique sleeping rhythm—inhaling through the nose, exhaling with a soft puff through the mouth. His cheek is pressed against the top of your head in an endearing manner.

You stroke his arms, which are wrapped securely around you, holding you close as if afraid you'll disappear in a puff of smoke if he lets go. Twelve hours later, he's still there, his embrace unwavering, offering you comfort and security in his sleep.

At that moment, the piano on your nightstand begins to play again, causing Cedric to stir.

"Morning," you whisper as his eyes flutter open, giving you the freedom to turn from the position you have been sleeping in for seven hundred and twenty minutes to face your boyfriend, lacing your arms around his waist, slightly worried if you have morning breath.

"Morning, Sunshine," even with the morning rough edge, his voice is beautiful as Cedric rubs the sleep out of his eyes, yawning.

"Sunshine?" you giggle, realizing how puffy your eyes feel from crying "Is that my new nickname?"

"Among others," Cedric gives you that crooked, lopsided dimpled smile that you love so much, flashing you your mischievous favorite wink "like Pookie, Chinookums, Babykins, Cupcake, Babe-"

"Eww," you giggle, kicking him playfully "Stop. I might actually throw up."

As you share this light-hearted moment with Cedric, the weight of the previous night's events begins to lift ever so slightly. His playful banter and affectionate gestures remind you that amidst the darkness, there is still light—his unwavering love and support.

"You feeling any better?" Cedric asks, his concern evident in his gentle gaze.

You nod, offering him a faint smile. "Yeah, a little," you reply, though the ache in your heart still lingers "Thanks you last night...For being here."

"That's what boyfriends are for," He says, kissing you on top of your head.

"If I didn't have morning breath, I'd kiss you right now." you smile. 

Cedric chuckles at your playful remark, his laughter filling the quiet morning air like a comforting melody. "I'll hold you to that," he teases, his eyes twinkling with affection as you both sit up straight in bed. The sudden transition from sleep to sitting leaves your head spinning.

"What's that?" Cedric's gaze falls upon the balled-up piece of parchment that you had thrown to the other side of the carriage last night.

"It's my parents' will," you explain, and Cedric immediately takes your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "They left me... a lot of money, and the Delacours are my legal guardians now..."

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now