♡ 26 |Stupid Idiot

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The scream. So full of fear and pain it ices your blood. And so familiar. Butterbeer bottles fall from your arms and shatter at your feet, creating a golden puddle with glass shards. You forget where you are or what lies ahead, only knowing you must reach her, protect her, though you know that is impossible. You run wildly in the direction of the voice, heedless of danger, ripping through vines and branches, through anything that keeps you from reaching her.

From reaching your sister. Fleur Delacour.

Where is she? What are they doing to her?

"Fleur!" you cry out as you push your way through the stands, which are fighting to see the commotion on the Quidditch pitch.


Sweat pours down your face as you pant, trying to draw some use out of the warm, moist air that seems empty of oxygen. The sound Fleur has made—such a lost, irretrievable sound—that you can't even imagine what they have done to evoke it.

"Careful!" Mrs. Diggory catches you just as you are about to fall off the stands and face-first into the maze, as you see Madam Maxime pace at the mouth of the maze.

"Fleur?" you say pleadingly as you see two silhouettes emerge from the maze. Professor McGonagall walks out, her wand pointed as Fleur's limp and rigid body levitates at her wand's direction. For a dreadful moment, you wonder if she is... if she is...

"She's stunned!" Dumbledore calls out to calm down the agitated audience. "Miss Delacour is alive!"

You watch as Madam Pomfrey approaches Fleur's motionless form, her expression grave yet determined. With practiced efficiency, she begins to examine Fleur, murmuring incantations and waving her wand over her body. The sight of Mr. and Mrs. Delacour and Gabrielle rushing to Fleur's side snaps you out of your reverie.

"Let me get down there!" you roar, jumping over the fencing of the stands and pushing [rofessor McGoniggal and Flitwick out of the way to get to Fleur. You stop cold in your. tracks however, when Snape points his wand threateningly at you.

"Severues," Dumbledore's voice is calm but stern "Let her pass,"

Snape's lips thin as he puts his wand down, taking the smallest step to the side as humanly possible. You give him a snarl before running up to the Delacours, kneeling down next to Fleur. You feel a knot of anxiety tighten in your stomach as you wait for any sign of Fleur stirring, for any indication that she will be alright. The minutes feel like hours as you watch Madam Pomfrey work, her movements precise and deliberate.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Fleur's eyelids flutter open, revealing her bleary, unfocused gaze. A collective sigh of relief ripples through the crowd as Fleur slowly begins to regain consciousness. 

The Delacours breathe a sigh of relief as you and Gabrielle embrace Fleur so tightly that the Beauxbatons champion goes slightly purple. 

"What happened?" Fleur asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

 "You were stunned, Fleur," you explain gently, trying to keep your voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside you. "But you're safe now. I-"

You feel a rush of relief as Fleur wraps you in a tight embrace, her tears soaking into your shoulder. "I am so sorry I got so mad at you, Y/N!" she sobs, her voice choked with emotion.

You return her hug just as fiercely, feeling the weight of her words lifting off your shoulders. "It's okay, Fleur," you murmur, squeezing her reassuringly. "I'm just glad you're safe."

Fleur pulls away slightly, wiping her tears with the back of her hand as she looks at you with gratitude in her eyes. "Zhank you for being zere for me," she says softly, her voice filled with sincerity. "I zon't know what I would have zone without zyou."

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