♡ 14 | The Little Things

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As autumn fades into winter, the desperation for finding dates to the Yule Ball intensifies throughout the school. Thankfully, you and Hermione have that department covered with Cedric and Viktor, so you both dedicate all of your time and energy to perfecting the Liquid Luck potion.

Any free time you have after that is spent helping Fleur decipher the message hidden under the shrieking sound from her golden egg and compensating for the work you missed from being absent for the Triwizard Tournament with Madam Maxime. By the end of each day, you are too exhausted to move. The only light that gives your stressful life energy is Cedric.

The two of you have become inseparable over the past month. He is the antidote, the remedy to all the stress and exhaustion with his bright and sunny personality. Cedric Diggory is sweet, funny, caring, insanely talented on the Quidditch pitch, and very, very intelligent. He has gotten the highest O.W.L. scores in all of England. Not to mention, he is a great cook to the point where any food not made by him tastes horrid to you. Breakfast in the courtyard has certainly become a routine; from there, you walk Cedric to his first class and then work with Madam Maxime until lunch. You and Hermione have lunch together before going on to work on the Liquid Luck while Cedric is at Quidditch practice. You and Cedric spend the rest of your day walking around campus, talking about everything under the sun, and laughing about the silliest things. You chat about your hopes and dreams and your plans for the future once you graduate. You open up about everything, the good and the bad, freely, without pretension or the need to impress or mask.

It has gotten to the point where people are shocked if they see one of you without the other. You find it incredibly cute how Cedric's face turns a light shade of scarlet whenever any boy asks you to the Yule Ball. You always pretend to be deep in thought, contemplating their offer just to torment Cedric before turning them down and winking at him. You turn down a lot of guys, including the handsome Dean Thomas, Fred Weasley, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Cormac McLaggen, Roger Davies, Michael Corner, fifteen Beauxbatons boys, and twenty Durmstrang boys. Cedric isn't far behind; on top of his usual admirers, he is asked out by the likes of Lavender Brown, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell, along with a few dozen Beauxbatons and Durmstrang girls. It gets so bad that the two of you make a game of it, keeping tabs on how many proposals each of you gets

Christmas morning, you are awakened by Fleur, who throws you out of bed, your ears ringing and head aching from the Christmas Eve Feast last night. Somehow, you manage to shower and dress yourself in a powder pink turtleneck, black skinny jeans, ankle boots, a dark blue trench coat, and your Beauxbatons powder blue muffler, tucking a large present under your coat. You and Fleur make your way up to the castle.

"I'll see you later," you wave to Fleur as you reach the entrance hall.

"Where are you going?" Fleur asks suspiciously. "The Great Hall is down ze corridors; breakfast is there."

"I know..." you rub the back of your neck, blushing. "Me and Cedric are meeting in the courtyard for breakfast-"

"Ah, as usual?" Fleur rolls her eyes, surprisingly bitter. 

"No..." you say "Hermione, Harry and Ron are coming too. I was just about to invite you-"

"Whatever, see you later... I'm zpending Christmas with Gabrielle anyway."

"Fleur!" you call after her as she walks away at a quick pace. "What's wrong with her?"

"Y/N! Merry Christmas!"

You don't have to look to know who called your name; this was a voice you would know anywhere, even if you were awake or asleep. Less dramatically, a voice you'd slog through the cold and endless rain for every day.

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now