♡ | Au Revoir, Mes Chers! |♡

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What began as a simple project alongside my more serious original stories—like "Dear Life," "Starlight Blaze," and "Scarlet Phantom"—evolved into something much more profound. Y/N, Cedric, Draco, Fleur, Harry, Hermione, and Ron have become deeply cherished characters, guiding me through both joyous and challenging times. Their story has been a rollercoaster of emotions, eliciting tears and laughter alike. It's surreal to think that I've become so invested in a fanfic with a protagonist named "Y/N Y/L/N"—how did I become so attached to a cipher? Perhaps I need a therapist after all.

This story was also partially made to showcase that being the nice guy .A.K.A. Cedric, is what really makes you the right choice and a good partner, not just because of chemistry but as a life long companion and boyfriend. Despite having chemistry with both Cedric and Draco, the reason Y/N chooses Ced is because she can be honest and true with him. HE IS HER rest pit and the two do not need a complicated love story to have a amazing relationship.

This story was also a form of fan service, particularly for Cedric, who never received the happy ending he deserved in the canon stories. His character held immense potential, especially in exploring his relationships with his father and Cho Chang. I hope my interpretation of Cedric filled the void left by the canon portrayal.

Our Golden Retriever boy live son in our hearts! 

Draco, too, was a character I felt deserved more exploration. While not as neglected as Cedric, he could have benefited from additional screen time and perhaps even a point of view of his own. Through my version, I aimed to show that the "bad boy" persona doesn't always tell the full story.

Mr. Death Eater bad boy ain't so bad now, is he?

And then there's Fleur, a character I believed was unjustly portrayed and quickly "redeemed" to convey a message about not judging based on appearances. She possessed vast potential, particularly in her connections with Gabrielle, Madame Maxime, and Beauxbatons.

Veela Girl deserves rights!

Now, for an announcement. I know I left this book on a cliffhanger, but this is not the end of the "Golden Girl" story—at least, I hope not. I plan to continue my own version of "Order of the Phoenix" and "Deathly Hallows" once this book reaches 1k votes. The timing is uncertain, but for the sake of Y/N, Cedric, Draco, and Fleur, I hope it's soon.

This story holds a special place in my heart as it marks the first time since I started writing on Wattpad that I can finally click that button and change a story's status from "Ongoing" to "Completed." That's right! "Golden Girl" is my first completed story!In the meantime, you can explore my original stories, where I had the liberty to fully explore my characters' potentials. Whether it's Cedric struggling with PTSD in "Dear Life," Y/N as a magical superhero in "Starlight Blaze," Draco as a mafia boss in "Scarlet Phantom," or Y/N as a secret agent in "Scarlet Phantom," there's something for everyone. All of these stories are available on my profile page as I could not link them here.

So, while this may be the end of "Golden Girl," there are many more stories to come. I hope to see you there, but until then...

Au Revoir, Mes Chers!


Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now