♡ 06 | Dinner

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'So tell me, Cormack, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?' Slughorn inquires as he helps him to a spoonful of his English trifle and it takes every bone in Cedric's body not to groan. The entire dinner has been sinfully boring with Slughorn counting tales of his former class men for an hour and a half followed by him listening fondly as Cormack McLaggen goes on and on for another hour about how the Gryffindor Quidditch team is so much better off now that he's beater and how he'll flatten the other houses, with a special emphasis on Hufflepuff as he gives Cedric a haughty glare, next year and how his family is buying him a firebolt.

"Pst," Cedric nudges Hermione, who sits beside him with an air of detachment. "Do you know where Y/N is? Supper started over two hours ago."

Hermione shrugs nonchalantly. "Don't know. Last I saw her, she was escorting Malfoy to the Hospital Wing."

"Malfoy?" Cedric's brow furrows in confusion.

"The haughty Slytherin fourth-year distributing those 'Support Cedric Diggory' badges."

"Oh," Cedric murmurs, a mix of surprise and concern clouding his features. "I tried to get them to stop, Granger. I—"

"I know," Hermione interjects, her expression softening with empathy. "Harry will be alright. Y/N stood up for him, you know? Gave Malfoy a good punch right on the jaw, left him bleeding."

Cedric's lips curl into a wry smile, a hint of admiration coloring his voice. "Really? Wouldn't expect any less from Y/N. She's quite fiery, isn't she?"

Hermione smiles faintly, her gaze drifting off for a moment. "She's quite the character, that's for sure. Reckless, impulsive, stubborn, headstrong... but also brave, selfless, and kind. Reminds me a lot of Harry, honestly, no offense."

"I don't have anything against Harry, Granger," Cedric replies, his tone unconvincing as he scrapes the last of the cream from his trifle bowl "Where is he, by the way?"

"He didn't want to be here and answer all of Slughorn's intrusive questions," Hemrionie shakes her head "He told him he's got detention with  Snape or something. He's with Hagrid."

There's a moment silence. 

"He truly didn't put his name in the Goblet, Cedric. Harry's not that kind of guy," Hermione insists, turning back to her dessert. "He's rather shy, to be honest. Doesn't seek attention or wealth... He never meant to step on your toes. Honest."

Cedric smiles, his lips parting to say something, but his words catch in his throat as you walk into the room. All eyes turn to you instantly, not just because you're horribly late, but also because you don't look like the friend of a quarter-Veela... You look like one. Cedric's breath hitches at the sight of you. You're wearing a vibrant knee-length dress with thin straps, made of satin, and you look absolutely breathtaking. In concept, it's a rather simple garment, but the confidence with which you carry yourself transforms it into a masterpiece. Till now, Cedric had only seen her in the powder blue Beauxbatons uniform which she looked amazing in already, but the graceful curves of your pinkish shoulders, long legs and your swan like neck which was accented by a dainty pearl jewelry, your hair framing your face in soft curls, made Cedric's face flush ripe red. 

You catch his eye, giving him a quick smile and awkward wave, which he returns, feeling a surge of warmth in his chest. Is this how his countless admirers feel when they're in his presence?

"Miss Y/L/N," Slughorn says heartily, gesturing for you to come forward. "Come in, come in."

"Look at her eyes," Hermione whispers into Cedric's ear. "She's been crying. I bet they've been fighting, her and Malfoy."

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now