♡ 15 | The Yule Ball

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You and Hermione spend until the last minute in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, trying to work out Liquid Luck to the point where you have only ten minutes to get ready for the ball.

"I think I'll wear this bracelet," you say nervously, rummaging through your jewelry box, sitting cross-legged on Fleur's bed in the Beauxbatons carriage, Hermione getting changed in the bathroom. "Oh, Fleur's ring would look good with Cedric's pendant—I'm sure she won't mind me borrowing—"

"Y/N, you must relax," Hermione says as she zips up her dress. "It's a ball, not a final exam."

"I know, I know," you say, shaking your head. "I'm just...way more nervous than I expected." You get to your feet, looking into your vanity mirror. "I mean, this is my first actual date with Cedric... It has to be—"

"Do not say 'perfect'," Hermione interrupts as she steps out of the bathroom. "So... what do you think?"

You turn to see Hermione standing in the doorway, wearing a stunning floaty, periwinkle-blue robe that accentuates her features perfectly. Her bushy hair and squared shoulders, however, take down the elegance of the robes.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Hermione," you say, getting to your feet. "You just need one more thing—sit."

You make her sit in front of the vanity, going over to your bed and pulling your cauldron from under the bed and setting it up on the floor. It takes you a few short moments to whip up several vials of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion.

"Clever," Hermione grins as you pour a vial over her head, massaging the potion into her scalp. "You're a really good potion maker. Better than Snape, if I didn't know better—"

"Tada!" you say, thrusting your fingers into Hermione's shoulders, spotting her to better her posture. "You look gorgeous."

"I really do..." Hermione looks into the mirror, awestruck. Your potion was so good that Hermione's hair is no more wild and unruly, but sleek and shiny. "You're a miracle worker, Y/N!"

"Thanks..." you smile softly as you lovingly tie Hemrionie's hair into an elegant knot.

"Thank you, Y/N." Hermione says again, looking into the mirror before her like she was looking into the mirror of Erised and you can help but giggle. 

"Krum's a real lucky guy," you whisper, pinching the gryfindore witch's cheeks

 "You look stunning yourself." Hemrione winks at you through the mirror.

"Thanks...I just hope Cedric likes it," you murmur, smoothing out a nonexistent wrinkle in your dress.

Hermione places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "He'll love it, Y/N. Cedric adores you, you know that."

With a deep breath, you gather your composure and follow Hermione out of the carriage, ready to face whatever the Yule Ball may bring. Or, so you thought, before you spotted the platinum blonde-haired Slytherin waiting, leaning against the wall around the grand staircase, down which was the Great Hall where the ball would be held.

Hermione grunts in disgust at the sight of Draco. "He's waiting for you... Isn't he?"

You part your lips to protest, but when your eyes meet his cold silver ones, you know that she is right.

Only moments before you come into his earshot, Hermione pulls you back roughly by the arm, hissing into your ear, "Y/N, I don't know what's going on with you and Malfoy, but you need to stop. Either that, or stop leading Cedric on. He's a good guy. He doesn't deserve this."

"I'm not leading anyone on!" You insist. "I told you, there is no way me and Cedric can date, with the distance between schools and the Triwizard Tournament. I told him that—"

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now