♡ 09 | Felix Felicis

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"Hey," you greet Hermione swiftly as you slide next to her at the library, casting a quick glance at Victor Krum and his entourage dispersing from the corner of your eye. "Krum giving you a break?"

"Yeah, finally," Hermione chuckles nervously, closing a large charms book and sliding it away from you. You notice several pages have been bookmarked. "What are you working on?"

"Just some homework," Hermione says nonchalantly, though her visible stress suggests otherwise. "But enough about me, what's going on with you and Malfoy? You were crying last night at supper. And with Cedric Diggory? He was really worried about you, and everyone has been talking about you guys dating, and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," you interject, shaking your head. "Slow down. One question at a time." you say, raising an eyebrow at her rapid-fire interrogation. "And what's this thing about me and Cedric dating?"

Hermione's cheeks flush slightly as she fiddles with the hem of her robes. "Well, it's just... people have been talking," she stammers, clearly uncomfortable with the topic. "You two seem to be spending a lot of time together..All those picnics, and, well, Cedric seems quite... fond of you."

You let out a soft chuckle, feeling a mixture of amusement and nervousness at the idea. "Fond of me, huh?" you muse, trying to play it cool despite the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "I suppose we've been spending more time together lately, but that doesn't mean we're dating."

Hermione raises an eyebrow, a skeptical expression on her face. "Are you sure about that?" she asks, her tone teasing. "Because from where I'm sitting, it certainly looks like something's going on between-HEY!"

Hermione shrieks as you cast the levitation charm, causing her book to fly out of her arms and into yours. You jump out of your seat, arms raised as you read the bookmarked sections to keep Hermione from reaching it as she chases you around the table.

"Stupefy, Impedimenta..." you read off the titles, flipping the pages. "The Shield Charm, The four-point spell..."

You come to an abrupt halt, causing Hermione to crash into you, handing her book back to her which she snatches from you with a frown. "You're researching spells for the First Task... Helping Harry, aren't you?" 

"So what if I am?" Hermione snaps, dropping into her seat furiously. "Do not pretend like you lot aren't helping Fleur, and you helping Cedric particularly-"

You hold up your hands in defense, trying to calm Hermione down before she starts a scene in the library. "Whoa, Hermione, calm down," you say soothingly, glancing around to make sure no one else is listening in. "Yes, I'm helping Fleur and Cedric, and I'm not blaming you for helping Harry, especially when he didn't even enter his name in the first place"

Hermione's anger seems to deflate a bit at your reasoning, but she still looks frustrated "Thanks...I'm sorry I snapped..Its just,Harry and Ron have been arguing and Ron won't talk to us..." She shakes her head. 

You nod sympathetically, understanding Hermione's concerns. "I get it, Hermione," you say softly. "But we'll do whatever it takes to help Harry get through this tournament safely. And I know a way we can make sure all of the champions make it out in one piece."

Hermione's eyes widen as she leans in closer, intrigued. "What do you have in mind?"

"Felix Felicis."

"Liquid Luck?" Hermione whispers, realization dawning in her eyes. "That's why you wanted Slughorn's Ashwinder egg so bad, didn't you?"

You nod.

"Y/N, you mustn't!" Hermione frantically says. "It is illegal to use Liquid Luck in tournaments like the Triwizard-"

You hold up a finger to her lips. "Quiet down, Hermione. You're announcing our plan to all of Hogwarts. And yes... It is illegal to use Liquid Luck to win for yourself. If we mix it in the champions' food or drink, worst-case scenario, we get caught-"

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now