♡ 17 | The Dark Mark

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Leading up to the second task, amidst exhausting work with Madam Maxime and Hermione, the company of Cedric, Harry, Ron, and Hermione brings solace and joy.

Courtyard breakfasts with Cedric offer tranquility amidst responsibilities. Games of Gobstones and Wizarding chess with the trio strengthen bonds through laughter and friendly competition.

Flying recklessly on your twin Firebolts with Cedric brings exhilaration, making you feel alive and free from worldly pressures.

In these moments, with friends who feel like family, you find liberation from the expectations of your upbringing. Embracing the freedom to simply be a teenager, you laugh and play without the need for perfection, finding joy and belonging in friendship and fun.

Draco, understanding the anger you've expressed, keeps a respectful distance, a gesture you observe with keen awareness. In his actions, you recognize a parallel to Cedric's sacrifice—a willingness to prioritize your needs and desires above his own. His multiple apologies, the decision to sever ties with Pansy Parkinson, and his defiance against his father's influence to rectify Rita Skeeter's disparaging article about you further demonstrate his sincerity and efforts to earn your forgiveness.

After careful consideration, you ultimately decide to grant Draco a second chance. Recognizing his genuine remorse and efforts to change, you open yourself to the possibility of reconciliation, allowing hope to blossom anew in your heart.

With a resolve to approach Draco and offer him a second chance, you begin to seek opportunities to initiate a conversation. However, you notice a troubling change in him—he appears gaunt and secretive, reminiscent of his appearance when you first reconnected at the welcoming feast. His eyes are baggy, and he seems physically withdrawn.

Your chance comes unexpectedly when you spot Draco storming into the boys' bathroom on the second floor after charms class. The deserted surroundings offer a perfect moment for a private conversation, and you decide to seize the opportunity.

As you enter the bathroom, you pause around the corner, startled by the sound of voices. Draco stands with his back to you, his hands gripping the sink tightly. The sight sends a chill down your spine.

Your heart lurches as tears stream down his pale face, falling into the grimy basin below. You had heard of his breakdowns before, but witnessing it firsthand is a stark and sobering experience.

As Draco gasps and gulps for air, he suddenly looks up, meeting your gaze in the cracked mirror. The shock of seeing you sends a shudder through him, and for a moment, time seems to stand still as you lock eyes with him.

"Y/N!" He gasps, whipping around, leaning back against the sink, quickly pulling his sleeve down to cover his arm like his life depends on it "W-What are you doing here-"

"You're hiding something." your voice come out more stern than you mean to, your eyes fixed on his sleeve "What is it Draco?"


"Too quick to notice," Draco shudders, his voice barely above a whisper. "Why is it not surprising how easily she can read me?"

You approach Draco cautiously, your heart heavy with empathy. "Draco... I came to say that I want to give you a second chance. I want to be your friend, Draco."

Draco bites his lip, grappling with the sudden surge of emotions coursing through him. Why now, he wonders, as his silver eyes drop to his feet.

As you gently grasp his arm, Draco trembles, overwhelmed by the vulnerability of the moment. You look into his eyes with unwavering sincerity, offering him a lifeline of support. "Whatever it is bothering you, tell me Draco. I'm here for you."

Every instinct in Draco screams at him to push you away, but he finds himself unable to resist your comforting presence. With a shaky breath, he nods, allowing himself to lower his defenses, if only for a moment.

You intertwine your hand with his, a gesture of solidarity that both surprises and touches Draco to his core. With trembling hands, you gently lift his robe sleeve, revealing the dreaded mark etched into his skin—a jet-black skull with a protruding snake.

"The Dark Mark!" you gasp in shock, but instead of recoiling, you rub your forearm against his in a gesture of solidarity. "Bloody hell, are you okay, Draco?! It must've been so painful. How could they do this to you? You're just a kid!!!"

Draco's eyes widen in disbelief at your reaction. He had braced himself for disgust or condemnation, but instead, he finds compassion and understanding in your eyes. You don't blame him; instead, your anger is directed towards the adults who dragged him into their dangerous world. This, this is exactly why Draco, and, heck, even Cedric is head over heels in love with Y/N. You are beyond kind and the purest girl he knows. Yes, Draco wishes he could fight back more. Tears overflow from his eyes as he stands before his tormentors.

Yet, he cannot. He is just a child, a cowardly child who has never dared to defy his own parents. How could he possibly stand up to the likes of his father, Barty Crouch Jr., and Peter Pettigrew... all while holding the shriveled form of the Dark Lord, Voldemort, barely clinging to life? Voldemort is furious that Lucius Malfoy did not immediately seek him out upon seeing the Dark Mark at the Quidditch World Cup. To appease the Dark Lord, Lucius sacrifices his own son. As Voldemort sears the Mark onto Draco's flesh, his father cannot bear to meet his eyes, leaving Draco to stare at him, his gaze pleading for mercy. 

Draco lets out a painstaking cry and drops to his knees, watching his tears splash onto the stone beneath him. You fall to your knees as well, embracing Draco.


As Y/N holds Draco close, you feel his trembling form against yours, his distress palpable. The weight of the situation presses down on you both as Draco clings to Y/N, his grip tight, crying into your hair. You feel your face heat as you hold back tears, stroking his hair. "You don't deserve this, Draco. This was not your fault. We'll get through this together," you reassure him.

Pulling back slightly, you cup Draco's swollen face between your hands, wiping away his tears with your thumbs, making him look at you. "You are at Hogwarts, Draco. They can't make you do anything here when the greatest wizard of all time is looking over the school. The Dark Lord is not that stupid. You're safe here, Draco."

If only you knew how wrong you were.

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now