♡ 08 | Ced

111 12 10

You come down to breakfast the next morning, feeling a strange mix of self-consciousness and lightness. It's the first time you've felt this way in a long time. Throughout the night, you replayed your conversation with Cedric over and over again in your mind. He was the first person, the first time since Fleur, whom you had opened up to about everything.

Your past with Draco, the painful memories of why and how you relocated to France, the desperate struggle to appear perfect so you wouldn't be hurt again, the overwhelming loneliness and coldness you felt when Draco insulted you in front of everyone. And through it all, Cedric just listened. No judgment, no advice, no attempts to fix you. His quiet comfort was more than anyone in your life has offered you. 

But then, that also means that he knows your weaknesses and that you are not perfect. He could every well use that against you. now, you are vulnerable. Something you have not let yourself be since Draco's betrayal.

You let out a sigh with a tiny smile when you spot Cedric, surrounded by girls and admirers as usual, looking almost as self-conscious as you feel. If this is how Cedric is swarmed by admirers all year round, you can only imagine what it would be like on Christmas, Valentine's, or on his birthday.

And just like last time, Cedric spots you instantly. He waves at you, pushing through the crowd, apologizing as the gentleman he is, and jogs over to you with a picnic basket in hand.

"Apologies for keeping you awaiting, m'lady," he says in a snooty accent, which makes you giggle. How can his laziest jokes draw out a laugh from you? Maybe it's because of the smile that always graces his chiseled yet warm face whenever he hears your laugh. "Shall we?" he asks, holding up the basket.

"I didn't realize breakfast in the courtyard had become a tradition," you tease as you two exit the Great Hall.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Cedric pouts his lips as he gives you puppy dog eyes. "You don't want to? I'll just ask one of the others-"

"I didn't say that," you say quickly, though you know he is only teasing. You can't imagine anywhere else you'd rather be as Cedric lays a picnic blanket in the same corner of the courtyard, under the willow tree, where you had breakfast yesterday.

"Someone came prepared," you smile as you watch Cedric lay two plastic plates on the mat.

"As expected of a Prefect," Cedric rolls his eyes, smiling even more, tapping his prefect badge. "Pancakes or waffles?"

"Pancakes," you say, taking the plate with a stack of warm, maple syrup-drenched cakes topped with freshly picked strawberries, whipped cream, and chocolate chips. You cut into the cloud-soft pancakes with the same ease as cutting through melting butter, desperately trying to match Cedric's table manners as he watches you, ready to gauge your reaction. You take a big bite, and your eyes widen, twinkling.

"D-Did you make this yourself?"

"Yes," Cedric's tone suddenly squeamish. "Why? What's wrong?"

"This is... Not good."

"Oh," Cedric's crestfallen face makes you want to cry. "I-"

"It's amazing!" you laugh as Cedric pouts at you grumpily, his cheeks bright red "You're one callous witch, you know that?"

"Yup," You wink, taking another large bite "And proud of it."

You both sit in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence and the autumn wind gushing into your faces, the courtyard colored red, orange, pink, and yellow like candy hearts. It's not too cold nor hot. It's warm with a chilly breeze rushing in every once in a while. It's the absolute perfect weather for a picnic.

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now