♡ 23 | Heartbreak

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Cedric feels the world spinning around him, his vision blurred by tears as he runs aimlessly, away from the courtyard and the voices calling out to him. Their words meld into a chaotic jumble in his mind, drowned out by the tumult of his emotions.

His footsteps echo through the empty corridors of Hogwarts, a hollow reminder of his solitude. Each stride brings him further from the memories that haunt him—the willow tree where you two had shared a fleeting moment, the laughter and camaraderie of Quidditch practice, the warmth of your presence by his side.

As he collapses against the cold stone wall of the dungeon corridor, Cedric buries his face in his hands, the weight of his despair crashing down on him like a tidal wave. His sobs reverberate off the damp walls, a symphony of anguish that fills the emptiness around him.

Suddenly, a voice pierces through the darkness, pulling Cedric from the depths of his despair. Startled, he looks up to see Fleur Delacour standing before him, her tear-streaked face mirroring his own anguish.

"Zare you okay?" she asks, her voice trembling with concern.

Cedric's throat tightens as he struggles to compose himself, the rawness of his emotions laid bare before him. "What's wrong?" he manages to croak out, his voice hoarse with tears.

"Zou're crying too," Fleur observes softly, a hint of laughter in her voice. "And zyou're worried zabout me?"

Cedric offers a weak smile, the corners of his lips twitching in an attempt to mask his pain. "I suppose we're quite the pair," he remarks, his voice tinged with bitterness.

Fleur nods in agreement, her eyes reflecting the shared sorrow between them. "Would zyou mind if I..." she begins, gesturing to the space beside him.

"Of course," Cedric replies, his voice barely above a whisper, as Fleur settles down next to him.

"So..." she prompts gently, "do zyou want to talk about it?"

Cedric hesitates, unsure of where to begin. But the warmth in Fleur's gaze encourages him to open up, to share the burden of his heartache.

"It's about someone I care about," he confesses, his words coming out slow and halting. "I thought... I thought there was something between us, but... things changed, and now I don't know where I stand anymore."

"Iz it..." Fleur perks up "...Y/N?"

"I'm that obvious, huh?" Cedric chuckles bitterly "Ya...Ya its her."

He looks at her, the tears finally stopping "So...What are you crying about?"

"Zame as you."


"Y/N." she says bitterly "We...We just had a fight."


"Fleur," you say, your voice cracking and tears spilling from your eyes as you enter the empty Charms classroom where Fleur is practicing her spells. The dim light filtering through the windows casts long shadows across the room, adding to the somber atmosphere.

Fleur turns towards you, her expression stern and unyielding, a stark contrast to the warmth you once shared. "Well, hello stranger," she greets you coldly, her tone laced with bitterness.

"Fleur!" you exclaim, taken aback by the sharpness in her voice. "What's wrong with you? You've been acting strange, and I don't know what I've done wrong-"

"Oh, you noticed?" Fleur interrupts, her words dripping with sarcasm. "That'd be a first."

Your heart sinks at her harsh words, the tears in your eyes threatening to spill over as you struggle to comprehend her sudden change in demeanor. "Fleur," you plead, desperation creeping into your voice. "I'm crying! I'm going through a really hard time with Cedric and Draco, and-"

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now