♡ 24 | The Third Task

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"He's here," says Lucius Malfoy silkily to his son, who waits in the hall, sitting cross-legged at the same spot where the two of you had your first conversation, eyes bloodshot, hair disheveled, and body soaked in sweat as he trembles. "Rise, Draco. He wishes to speak with you before he departs for the Graveyard."

Draco rises silently, careful to occupy as little space as possible in the large empty Malfoy Manor and breathe in as little air as he can as he opens the door. Inside the shady dark room, at the very end of it on a royal-looking archer is a shriveled figure wrapped in a black blanket, and at its foot kneeling is an extremely short, plump man with grubby skin, small watery eyes, and a pointed nose. Peter Pettigrew.

"He's here, my lord," Pettigrew whispers to the shriveled form sitting on the throne. A skinny, shrilled, slimy hand creeps out of the blanket, waving Draco forward as Lucius Malfoy slams the door behind him.

Draco keeps his eyes down as he makes his way over, the eeriness chipping away at him bit by bit. At least he was important enough for Voldemort to kill him personally. Death, treachery, hopelessness, and pity make Draco question his own sanity. His heart is beating wildly in fear as his hands clam up.

"Welcome, Draco," Voldemort's words seep through Draco's skin like poison as he refrains himself from making a face of disgust. "Y-You called for me, My lord?"

Even as he looks to his shoes only, not daring to look at the dark wizard despite his pathetic form, Draco feels a cold swirling around him. "Why are you here, Draco? You were to be my spy at Hogwarts."

Draco hears the loudness of his heartbeat against his eardrums.

"You haven't been discovered, have you?"

"N-No, sir."

What is he saying!?! He had embraced death when he heard Voldemort wanted to speak with him. Why is he lying?

"You lie..."

Draco falls to his knees, bursting into tears. "Forgive me, my lord! I was a fool to reveal myself to-" he catches himself.


Draco wills himself to stay silent, to forget your name, but he feels his mind go numb and his lips are forced open. "Y/N Y/L/N."

"Y/L/N..." Voldemort hums. "Y/L/N....That name sounds familiar."

"D-Dumbledore knows!" Draco is suicidal now, not caring, only wanting to divert Voldemort's attention away from you.

"How long has he known?"

"A little over a month."

"And yet he hasn't acted..." the dark wizard muses. "...perhaps there is hope for you yet, Draco. How long have you been away from Hogwarts?"

"A couple of hours."

"You will return to Hogwarts, Malfoy," Voldemort commands, his voice cold and commanding. "Keep guard and report anything and everything you see. If I know Dumbledore, that old fool, he'll keep you close, attempt to reform you... But you will not be swayed, will you?"

"N-No," Draco stammers, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty, feeling Voldemort break into his mind once more "Y/L/N, Was it?"

"She has nothing to do with this, sir!" for the first time, Draco looks up to face Voldemort

"Silence!" Pettigrew roars and Draco falls backward, shaking in fear "F-Forgive me, My lord."

"You must earn my trust, Draco Malfoy. prove that this-this girl will not be a liability."

"She won't. She betrayed me. I loathe her."

"Prove it then.." Voldemort whispers something to Pettigrew, and a sadistic grin flashes across his face as he looks at Draco. He gets up and leaves the room.

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