♡ 04 | Breakfast

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When you wake up the next morning, It takes you a moment to remember why you felt so miserable and worried. Then the memory of the previous night rolls over you and you hide under your covers again. Fleur was going to be killed. You peep out from underneath your duvet but find the bed next to you empty. Fleur must have already headed up to the castle for breakfast.

You hurriedly dress and make your way from the Beauxbatons carriage, where Madame Maxime and the other students will be staying for the next few months. Entering the Great Hall, chaos greets you. Plates of food lie abandoned on the tables, forgotten amidst the commotion. The students are gathered in two large circles at different corners of the room. One surrounds Victor Krum, who nods at you as you pass by, acknowledging your presence. But it's the larger circle around Cedric that catches your attention.

Cedric sits uncomfortably, surrounded by adoring fans vying for his attention. Sixth and fifth-year girls clamor for his signature on their school bags, while third and fourth-year boys eagerly ask for autographs or signatures on their broomsticks. Slughorn sits beside Cedric, his arm draped around him proudly, reveling in the attention lavished upon his "crown jewel."

To your dismay, Cedric spots you among the crowd and waves enthusiastically. His fangirls shoot you venomous glares, but you manage a polite wave in return.

"Morning, Y/L/N!" Cedric greets you, maneuvering through the throng of students with a stack of toast, scrambled eggs, and a jar of jam in hand. "Fancy breakfast in the courtyard?" he adds, his eyes pleading with you.

Despite the chaos and the weight of worry on your shoulders, you can't resist Cedric's earnest request to save him from the suffocating crowd. How can you say no to those puppy-dog eyes?

With a small smile, you nod in agreement. "Sure, Let's go, champion."

"Thank you," Cedric whispers gratefully as you both leave the Great Hall, not daring to look back. "You're a lifesaver."

"Don't mention it," you reply as you stride down the grand staircase and into the courtyard. "Listen, have you seen Fleur?"

"Fleur Delacour?" Cedric asks, taking a bite of his toast and eggs, covering his mouth with the back of his hand as he chews, to your surprise and appreciation. "No, not since yesterday."

As you two sit in the surprisingly empty courtyard under a willow tree, the food spread between you on Cedric's yellow and black scarf like a picnic, Cedric narrates what happened in the room behind the teacher's table after he left, while you munch on a piece of toast spread with jam, struggling to match Cedric's manners. You listen quietly, nodding periodically, because you know how important it is to have someone to just listen.

"I keep wondering," Cedric shakes his head, "How did Potter enter his name in the Goblet? He says that he didn't enter his name, but..." Cedric bites his lip. "Well, no point in dwelling on that, eh? It is what it is. Hogwarts has two champions."

"Well, what do you feel about all of this?"

"What do you mean?" Cedric chuckles. "I have no thoughts. It's... whatever. So I have one more person to compete against..."


"Cedric," he interrupts gently. "I know we aren't friends, so you don't need to call me Ced, but we aren't strangers either, so you can't call me Diggory. Let's just compromise on Cedric."

"Fine," you roll your eyes, smiling. "Cedric, I don't know you all that well, but it can't be easy having your moment be taken away by Potter. You've worked hard for this opportunity, I'm sure, and your house is so excited for you. But then, Potter swoops in, and suddenly you're not the only Hogwarts champion." You deliberate whether to make your next move but decide to rest your hand on Cedric's shoulder as he listens to you with a far-off look in his eyes. "You're humble, Cedric, but there's nothing wrong with being upset about this. This situation is crazy and unfair. You have every right to be mad."

He sighs softly, running a hand through his tousled hair.

"But hey!" you perk up, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "It doesn't matter how many champions there are, You're gonna win. I know it."

Cedric chuckles softly, the tension easing from his posture. "We'll see..."

"I mean it!" you insist. "That slug man-"

"You mean Professor Slughorn?" Cedric laughs his musical laugh, and you feel something warm spill from your heart and seep through your body, pricking your skin.

"Ya, the creepy collector guy. And plus," you elbow him in the ribs mischievously, "think of all the big cash prize... And your fans will be tripled! The Daily Prophet will be writing all about you, and you'll be getting love potion fused sweets from fangirls."

As you laugh, you realize that Cedric isn't.

"C-Cedric?" You say cautiously. "Are you-"

"You know, Y/L/N," he begins, his voice thoughtful, "I've always wanted to make my dad proud. He's always boasting about me to everyone, going on about how I'm destined for greatness. Winning the tournament would mean a lot to him.... I don't care for the glory or the money, as long as I make him proud."

Before you can respond, Cedric's friends call out to him from the entrance to the courtyard. "C'mon, Ced! We can't be late for charms! You can finish up your date later!"

Cedric chuckles as you feel your face heat. They're just teasing, you tell yourself to calm your thumping heart.

"See you at Slughorn's tonight, then," Cedric smiles at you as a goodbye, getting to his feet and brushing blades of grass off his robes. "And thanks, for listening... It means a lot. I mean it."

As he turns his back to you, your voice comes out before your brain can check with it. "Cedric?"

"Yeah?" he asks, looking over his shoulder, his eyes sparkling.

"Your father is lucky to have a son like you," you smile. "Whether you win the tournament or not."

Cedric's gaze softens, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thanks, Y/N."

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now