♡ 13 | The Ancient and Sacred Art of Date-hunting

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"Hermione!" you call out, your voice tinged with desperation, as you eagerly wave at the Gryffindor brunette. With a heavy heart and weary limbs, you descend the stairs from Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, where you spent the entire day attempting to brew the liquid luck just right.

But the real burden weighing on you isn't the failed potion—it's the relentless whispers and bullying you've endured ever since Rita Skeeter's damning article was published. The venomous words have spread like wildfire, tarnishing your reputation and inviting scorn from all corners. Even your parents went to the lengths of sending you a howler, enraged by the disgrace you've brought upon the Y/L/N name. To make matters worse, even your Beauxbatons friends have turned on you, gossiping behind your back. It feels as though your life is spiraling out of control, and the hopelessness threatens to consume you entirely.

The temptation to simply bribe the editor of Witch Weekly to take down the article lingers in your mind, but you know it would only exacerbate the situation. If word got out, you'd be labeled a "rich snob," and the damage to the Y/L/N name would be irreparable. Feeling utterly powerless, you can't help but wear your misery on your sleeve. 

"Oh, Hello Y/N," Hermione replies in an uncharacteristically mellow voice, hiding her face in her books. You raise an eyebrow, lowering her arms and bending to get a good look at her face, which is beet red.

"You're blushing!" you exclaim slyly, taking note of where she's coming from... the library. Your eyes widen. "No! Don't tell me! Did he finally-"

"Yes!" Hermione squeals, jumping up and down, and you join in. "Victor Krum asked me to be his date to the Yule Ball!!!"

"Oh my goodness, Hermione! That's incredible! I'm so happy for you!" you exclaim, unable to contain your excitement.

Hermione beams, her cheeks flushed with happiness. "Thank you, Y/N! I can hardly believe it myself!" she gushes, clutching her books to her chest as if they might burst with joy.

As you both calm down from the initial excitement, you link arms with Hermione, eager to hear all the details. "Tell me everything! How did it happen? What did he say? Are you nervous?" you barrage her with questions, your curiosity piqued.

Hermione giggles, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Well, I was in the library, as usual, buried in my books, when suddenly Victor appeared out of nowhere. He looked a bit nervous, actually," she recounts, a fond smile gracing her lips. "He stumbled over his words a bit, but then he asked me if I would accompany him to the Yule Ball as his date. I was completely taken aback, but of course, I said yes!"

You listen intently, hanging on to every word of Hermione's story. "That's so romantic! I'm thrilled for you, Hermione," you say sincerely, squeezing her arm affectionately. "You and Victor are going to be the talk of the ball!"

Hermione blushes even deeper at the thought, but there's a radiant happiness shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Y/N. I couldn't be happier," she says, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

As the euphoria dies down, Hermionie looks at you closely, squinting her eyes "You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth. You can't stop grinning.'

'Well, I'm happy for you-'

'No...' Hermione gets in your face, eyes widening in realization 'No! Don't tell me! Did he finally-'

'Yes...' you bite your lip, blushing furiously '...Cedric asked me to be his date to the Yule ball!'

Hermione's eyes widen in excitement as she clasps her hands together, her face alight with joy. "Y/N, that's wonderful news! I knew he would ask you!" she exclaims, unable to contain her excitement. "Oh, you guys would make the cutest couple-"

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now