♡ 21 | First Kiss

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For the next three months, you keep close to Cedric, Fleur, Harry, and Hermione, and by extension, Victor Krum, just as you promised Dumbledore. None of them do anything out of the ordinary, only practicing spells in empty classrooms in preparation for the third and final task. You observe their every move, vigilant for any signs of danger or suspicious behavior, reporting every spell and charm they practice to Dumbledore in weekly status reports.

As you maintain this watchful eye over your friends, Dumbledore becomes like a second father figure to you, offering guidance and support in your mission to keep Hogwarts safe. His wisdom and kindness provide you with a sense of stability and reassurance during these uncertain times.

Meanwhile, you work on rekindling your friendship with Draco. Despite his reckless actions during the search in the black lake, which resulted in his getting hypothermia and sustaining injuries, you find it in your heart to forgive him. You understand that he, too, is struggling with the burden of his family's expectations and the pressure of the dark times ahead.

Your renewed friendship with Draco allows you to keep a close watch on him as well, ensuring that he does not pose a threat to others or himself. You offer him comfort and support, knowing that he, too, is in need of understanding and compassion during these turbulent times. But from your new relationship also comes an extra dose of guilt, knowing that you have betrayed his trust by sharing his secret with Dumbledore and spying on him. Yet, you find solace in the fact that you are doing this for his good.

All of this, added to keeping up with your classwork and preparing the Liquid Luck potion with Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid, leaves you with barely a moment to yourself. That is, until Draco comes running up to you at lunch on the first of June, his face flushed with pure joy and childish excitement for the first time since your reunion.

"Y/N! Y/N!" he practically jumps up and down in excitement. "They're taking us to Hogsmead this week!"

"That's fantastic!" you say, giving him a confused expression before realization dawns in your eyes. "You don't mean-"

"Yup," he says, giving you a charming look that sends your heart pounding. "My birthday...5th June...In Hogsmead."

Just like you promised five years ago.

"And this time," he chuckles under this breath "Lets actually go."

"Good idea," you giggle.


Draco wakes up on June 5th feeling happier than he has in a long, long time. This was the first birthday ever he would truly get to celebrate, and with the girl he has loved for five years, no less. He spends a ridiculous amount of time getting dressed, fussing over every detail. As he stresses over his hair, his owl flies in through his dormitory window, a bouquet of your favorite flowers tied to its claws.

He had ordered them weeks in advance, and here they were, right on schedule, fresh as dewdrops. Draco can't help but smile to himself as he unties them from his owl's claws, petting the creature affectionately. He would have never in a million years pictured himself doing something so cheesy and vulnerable ten months ago. He had come so far. Going from the haughty, arrogant bully to a kind boy who was capable of love and being loved in return. But as he buries his face in the sweet smelling blossoms, he can't help but wonder...What kind of face will you make?

Draco chuckles softly at the thought of your possible reactions, his mind racing with scenarios. Maybe you'll tease him about his newfound sentimentality, or act genuinely surprised by the gesture. But above all, he hopes to see happiness in your eyes, to know that his efforts have brought you joy. With a hopeful smile, he sets about preparing for the day, eager to share this special moment with you.

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now