♡ 25 | Why aren't you together?

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"All three of them drank the liquid luck," Hermione says, nearly startling you as she, Ron, and Hagrid slip into the stands next to you. You watch as Cedric, Harry, Krum, and Fleur wave at the audience, standing at the mouth of the maze that was once the Quidditch pitch.

"Did Cedric..." Hermione starts.

"Yeah," you say shortly. "He drank it. No questions asked."

"Wow," Hermione raises her eyebrows, pursing her lips, and you swear you see her blushing.

You watch with bated breath as Cedric embraces his parents goodbye. Mrs. Diggory kisses his forehead affectionately and ruffles his hair lovingly, while Mr. Diggory pats his back proudly, raising his arm like a referee does when a boxer wins a match and the audience goes wild. Cedric's face flushes with embarrassment as he quickly rips his arm away from his father's grasp, his cheeks tinged with pink, while his mother chuckles softly.

Harry and Cedric are the first to enter the maze as they are tied for first place. And, for a fleeting moment before he enters the maze, Cedric's eyes search hungrily in the audience for you. You raise your hand to get his attention, and you two lock eyes for a moment. You mouth "good luck." He gives you a tight, bittersweet smile before entering the maze and disappearing from sight.

As Cedric disappears into the maze, your heart skips a beat, a mixture of worry and pride swirling within you. You watch intently as Harry, Krum, and Fleur follow suit, each of them disappearing into the labyrinthine pathways.

"They'll be alright, won't he?" Ron asks, his voice tinged with concern as he leans in closer as Krum enters the maze after Cedric and Harry.

You nod, trying to reassure both him and yourself as Fleur enters the maze last, not even bothering to look at you. "They've got the luck potion on his side. They'll find a way through."

Hagrid grunts in agreement, though his expression remains somber. "Aye, but that maze ain't no walk in the park, even with a bit o' liquid luck."

You glance back at the maze, its towering walls casting long shadows in the fading light. Despite your attempts to remain optimistic, a sense of unease gnaws at you.

"They're smart," Hermione interjects, her voice firm with conviction. "And resourceful. They'll figure it out. They made it this far."

You take comfort in her words, though the minutes drag on like hours, each one filled with anticipation and anxiety.

You stand looking at the mouth of the maze for several minutes, as if wishing for Cedric, Fleur, and Harry to reappear there, safe and sound. No such luck.

"I'll get us some drinks," you declare, rising from your seat, feeling melancholy as you navigate through the crowd toward the drinks cart outside the Quidditch stadium.

Approaching the cart, you notice a familiar figure engaged in conversation with the vendor. It's Cedric's mum, Karen Anne Diggory, her demeanor a mix of tension and polite conversation. She turns to you as you draw closer, offering a wave of greeting.

"Hello, dear," she says warmly. "Y/N Y/L/N, Is it?"

"Yes, ma'am," you reply with a polite grin, exchanging a handful of sickles for four bottles of butterbeer from the vendor. With a nod of gratitude, you turn to leave, taking a swig from one of the bottles.

"Are you Cedric's girlfriend?"

The question catches you off guard, causing the golden beverage to squirt out of your mouth. You cough, doubling over slightly as you try to regain your composure in the wake of Mrs. Diggory's unexpected inquiry.

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now