♡ 05 | You Punched him!

141 12 7

Excited, you skip all the way to Snape's Dungeon to find a semicircle of Slytherins cornering Hermione, Ron, and Harry. As you draw closer, you see that each and every one of the Slytherins is wearing a large badge on the front of their robes which bare, in burning luminous red letters, the message:


The REAL Hogwarts Champion!

Your heart skips a beat and sinks at the same time when you see who the ringleader of the Slytherins is: none other than Draco, bearing a menacing grin that makes him so unrecognizable to you that it hurts.

"Like them, Potter?" asks Draco loudly. "And this isn't all they do-look!"

He presses his badge, and the message upon it morphs into glowing green letters:


The Slytherins howl with laughter as they press their badges too. You look at Harry. His face and neck are bright red.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Draco's face goes gaunt as soon as he looks at you. Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle are visibly scared, and they eye your wand sticking out of your pocket closely.

"Very funny," you say sarcastically, still clapping. "Real witty. Wanna know what else is red funny, and witty?"

Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle stumble backwards as you whip out your wand, pointing it at Draco's throat. He winces but doesn't move from his position.

"Y/N!" Hermione says warningly.

"Go on, then, Y/L/N," Draco says quietly. "Another tickling charm?"

"How about an hex instead?" you say acidly. "Mix things up, you know?"

"Y/N, stop it!" Hermione comes over, gently holding your arm. "He isn't worth it."

You look over at Harry, who is glaring daggers at Draco, jaw clenched. You look over at Hermione, her eyes pleading. You sigh, lowering your wand and turning on your heel.

"Knew she didn't have the guts," you hear Pansy jeer.

"I don't know," Crabbe says stupidly. "She seems familiar somehow - Goyle, have we seen her before?"

"I don't -" Goyle says cluelessly. "Wait! Draco, isn't she the girl who you fancie-"

"Loathed," Draco's voice is evidently frantic. "Yeah, I loath Y/L/N. She's worse than Granger."

"What do you mean?" asks Pansy, more intrigued than ever.

Draco gulps. He's nervous. He catches your eye and returns the delicious look that sends shivers down your spine. "Because Y/N is not just a filthy half-blood like Potter, but her dad's a muggle, and her mother...is a half-blooded squib."


The Slytherins barely get the chance to register what Draco said and to even think of ridiculing you when they have to gasp in horror as their ringleader, Draco Malfoy, is lying on the dungeon floor...At your feet.

Draco feels as though his jaw has been knocked loose, just barely attached as blood pours out of his mangled mouth.

"YOU PUNCHED HIM!" Pansy's panicked scream breaks the others out of their reverie as you stand there. Numb. Frozen. Breathing heavily as the earsplitting rage evaporates and all you feel is pain in your still clenched fist, but you do not know if it's from the impact of the punch or because you are clenching your fists so hard.

"YOU PUNCHED HIM! YOU PUNCHED HIM!" Pansy cries as she helps Draco sit up, his hand covering his mouth, as if repeating the phrase is going to change reality. "YOU PUNCHED HIM! YOU-"

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now