♡ 27 | The Aftermath

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In the hospital wing, tension thickens around Cedric as Madam Pomfrey meticulously tends to his injuries. Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Snape stride into the scene, their presence seeking validation from Cedric, the lone witness to the maze's horrors. 

Harry's revelation about Voldemort's return hangs heavily in the air, casting a grim pall over the room.Cedric, visibly shaken by the ordeal, summons the courage to recount his chilling encounter with the Dark Lord to Dumbledore and the others. 

His voice trembles as he relives the harrowing duel, the memory still vivid in his mind.Amos Diggory's anguished cries reverberate through the hospital wing, interrupted by Karen's soothing reassurances as she attempts to calm him. 

With a steady hand on Cedric's shoulder, she provides silent support, her eyes mirroring the gravity of the situation.Meanwhile, Madam Pomfrey's deft hands work tirelessly to address Cedric's physical wounds, offering a semblance of stability amidst the chaos. 

Each person in the room grapples with the stark reality of Voldemort's resurgence, the uncertainty weighing heavily on their minds. 

 Suddenly, Dumbledore's eyes alight with understanding as he pieces together the puzzle. "Harry!" Dumbledore's voice slices through the tension, urgency imbuing his words. "He's with Moody, the impostor!" 

"Yes! Run away why don't you!" Amos Diggory roars "My son has been through hell here but go and pamper that little boy-who-lived!!!" 

 Dumbledore pays no heed, but both Professor McGonigall and Snape give the man an acid look filled with loathing and disgust. 

 Karen Diggory placed a calming hand on her husband's arm, her eyes imploring him to listen to reason. "Amos, please. Dumbledore knows what he's doing. We must trust him to handle this."

 As Amos Diggory's outburst fills the room, his frustration boiling over, Karen's calming touch on his arm prompts him to simmer down, though he continues to mutter curses under his breath.Fleur, Hermione, and Ron stand by, their presence a silent pillar of support amidst the chaos. Fleur's arms envelop you in a comforting embrace, unaware of the solace Cedric finds in your presence. Your intertwined fingers serve as an unspoken assurance to Cedric, conveying that he is not facing this ordeal alone. 

 "Dad," Cedric's voice, weary with exhaustion, breaks the tense silence. "I'm fine... I-I'm just tired." 

 Karen Diggory responds softly, her touch gentle as she plants a kiss on her son's forehead and runs a comforting hand through his hair. "Of course you are, honey," she reassures him. "We'll leave you to rest." 

 As Hermione and Ron bid Cedric farewell, offering praises for his bravery and well wishes for a speedy recovery, you feel a gentle tug on your hand. Turning back, you find Cedric still holding on, his eyes silently pleading for you to stay. 

 "Actually," you assert, your voice firm yet resolute, "I believe I'll stay a while longer."

Karen Diggory offers a reassuring squeeze to her husband's arm, quelling any objections he might have harbored. Though Amos Diggory wears a displeased expression, Karen's warm smile envelops you, welcoming you into their family fold. Meanwhile, Hermione nudges Ron, a mischievous grin playing on his lips as he guides Cedric away, trailing after the Diggorys out of the Hospital Wing.

Glancing sideways, you catch Fleur's knowing wink as she departs, her silent support echoing in the air as you remain steadfastly by Cedric's side.

"That potion," Cedric suddenly remarks, his eyes focused on the ceiling, a small smile gracing his lips, "It was Felix Felicis... wasn't it?"

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