eleven | mrs. bing

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"Are there no conscious men in the city for you two?" Chandler asked Monica and Phoebe as he sat on the edge of Monica's couch.

"He doesn't have anyone." Monica stated, referring to the attractive guy that got hit by a car earlier.

"Yeah. We feel kind of responsible." Phoebe sighed.

"I mean, I can't believe you "Whoo-hooed." Erika chuckled before Rachel turned the television up.

"When we come back, we'll be talking about her new book Euphoria Unbound. The always interesting Nora Tyler Bing." The guy on the TV spoke making Chandler roll his eyes at the sound of his mothers name.

"We don't have to watch this." Chandler sighed as he reached for the remote.

"No way! I love your mum!" Erika exclaimed, snatching the remote from his hands.

"You can say that because she's not your mum." Chandler stated as Paolo walked in unexpectedly and kissed Rachel.

"When did Rigatoni get back from Rome?" Ross asked jealously making Erika laugh.

"Last night." Monica answered.

"Really? So then his plane didn't explode in a big ball of fire?" Ross questioned.


"Come on, Chandler! This is exciting! I finally get to meet your mum in person instead of on TV." Erika smiled as she sat beside him in the restaurant they were meeting Nora.

"Is she your mum, Erika?" Chandler asked, Erika shook her head, "then shut up!" Chandler exclaimed, Erika flinched and sunk down in her seat deciding not to say anything else as Nora walked in and sat down not saying a word as she grabbed a menu.

"What do I want?" Nora mumbled

"Please, god, don't let it be Kung Pao Chicken." Chandler sighed.

"You watched the show!" Nora exclaimed excitedly.

"We all did." Erika smiled.

"Who are you?" Nora questioned but before Erika could answer Nora spoke again, "what did you think?" Nora asked her son referring to the show.

"I think you need to come out of your shell just a..." Chandler trailed off as Nora nudged him jokingly.


SHE'S NOT AFRAID || CHANDLER BING X OCWhere stories live. Discover now