twelve | lasagna

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"Aunt Syl, stop yelling." Monica told her Aunt over the phone as she placed something in the oven, "all I'm saying is, if you had told me vegetarian lasagna I would have made vegetarian lasagna. Well, the meat's only every third layer." Monica shrugged, "maybe you could scrape."

"Ross, did you really read all these baby books?" Joey asked as they group looked at a bunch of books that were scattered on the coffee table.

"Yep, you could plunk me down in the middle of any women's uterus, no compass...and I could find my way out of there like that." Ross smirked.

"So, in other're being re-birthed." Erika smiled jokingly.

"Ooh, this is cool." Phoebe cooed as she opened a book, "it says, 'in some parts of the world people actually eat the placenta.' ." Phoebe smiled making Erika grimace.

"And we're done with the yogurt." Chandler nodded as he placed his yogurt container down.

"Aunt Syl, I did this as a favour." Monica spoke, still arguing with her aunt, "I am not a caterer. What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas?"

"Hey, Ross, listen. Do you know that right now your baby is only this big?" Joey asked as he showed Ross a picture in one of the books, "this is your baby."

"Hi, daddy." Erika mocked in a baby voice.


"I can't believe you don't wanna know your baby's gender." Rachel rolled her eyes as she poured Ross a cup of coffee, "I mean, I couldn't not know. I mean, if the doctor knows and Carol knows and Susan knows..."

"And Monica knows." Monica chimed in.

"What?  How could you know? I don't even know." Ross questioned.

"Carol called to thank me for the lasagna. I asked. She told me." Monica shrugged.

"So what's it gonna be?" Erika questioned, Monica whispered the gender into Erika's ear.

"Hush!" Ross jumped up quickly, "now, she knows and I don't know!"

"I'm sorry, I'm just excited about being an aunt." Monica defended.

"Or an uncle." Joey stated as Phoebe walked in.

"Hey, Pheebs." Erika greeted.

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