thirteen | boobies

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"Tell them the story about your patient who thinks things are like other things, you know?" Phoebe asked her new boyfriend, "like when the phone rings and she takes a shower." Phoebe chuckled.

"That's pretty much it." He nodded, "but you tell it really well, sweetie."

"Okay. Now go away so we can talk about you." Phoebe instructed.

"Okay. I'll miss you." He smiled before walking away.

"Isn't he great?" Phoebe asked her friends.

"He's so cute." Rachel nodded, "he seems to like you so much."

"I know." Phoebe smiled widely, "he's so sweet and so complicated, you know? And for a shrink, he's not too shrinky."

"So, you think you'll do it on his couch?" Monica teased.

"I don't know." Phoebe shrugged, "I think that's a little weird."

"Come on! If I was you, I'd 100% do it on his couch." Erika chuckled before sipping at her coffee.

Rachel smiled, "okay. You guys want anything else?" Rachel asked the guys who sat on the couch.

"Could I have one of those...?" Chandler started.

"No." Rachel cut him off, "we're all out of those. Anybody else?"

"Did I miss something?" Erika questioned as she sat beside Chandler.

"No. She's still upset because I saw her boobies." Chandler rolled his eyes.

"What were you doing seeing her boobies?" Ross asked instantly.

"It was an accident." Chandler defended, "it wasn't like I was across the street with a telescope and doughnuts."

"I wouldn't put it past you." Erika shrugged, sipping coffee innocently.

"Okay. Could we change the subject, please?" Rachel chimed in.

"Yeah. Cause, hello, these are not her boobies. These are her breasts." Phoebe grinned.

"Okay, Pheebs. I was hoping for more of a change." Rachel chuckled awkwardly as she sat down.

"I don't know why you're so embarrassed." Chandler stated, "they were very nice boobies."

"Nice? They were nice? I mean, that's it?" Rachel questioned hoping to hear more, "I mean, mittens are nice."

SHE'S NOT AFRAID || CHANDLER BING X OCWhere stories live. Discover now