sixteen | part one

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"Hey, guys." Erika greeted as she walked into Central Perk with her brother, "this is my older brother Matthew. He's gonna be staying with me for a little while. Matthew, these are my friends, Monica, Ross, Joey, Phoebe and you've met Rachel and Chandler."

"Yes, of course." Matthew nodded, "it's nice to meet you all." Matthew smiled as they sat on the couch.

"Why're you staying with Erika?" Chandler questioned.

"I got kicked out of my apartment because I didn't pay the rent on time. And I have no friends, so Erika was my only hope." Matthew shrugged making Erika rub his back.


"It's not just that she's cute, okay?" Chandler ranted to his friends about a cute girl at his work, "she's really, really cute."

"It doesn't matter." Ross stated, "you don't dip your pen in the company ink." Matthew laughed as Marcel jumped onto the couch beside him and snatched the remote.

"Ross, your little creatures got the remote again." Matthew scoffed as he stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Marcel, give Rossy the remote." Ross baby talked his monkey as Marcel turned to language on the TV to Spanish.

"Great. Does anyone know how to speak Spanish?" Erika rolled her eyes.

"Relax. I'll fix it." Ross sighed before grabbing the remote from Marcel.

"So, tell me something. Is leaving the Christmas lights up part of your plan to keep us merry?" Chandler asked.

"Someone was supposed to take them down around new years but obviously someone forgot." Monica stated, looking towards Rachel before Joey walked in.

"Hey, where have you been?" Erika questioned.

"I went back to Riffs." Joey smirked, "I think Ursula likes me."

"Who's Ursula?" Matthew asked his sister in a whisper.

"Phoebes twin sister." Erika answered making Matthew nod.

"All I ordered was coffee. She brought me a tuna melt and four plates of curly fries." Joey nodded.

"Score." Chandler replied.

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