Chapter 13. Israphel...

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Eric took Cupa with him and searched the mountains... There seemed to be a sort of whisper in Eric's head asking him if he was close... Eric followed the whispers in his head in hopes to find Israphel...

Cupa: Eric aren't you even a little bit shocked about this?
Eric: about what?
Cupa: that Herobrine gave you a task!
Eric: ohh... That was Herobrine?( sarcasm )
Cupa: *sighs* nevermind... Anyways, why would Herobrine be afraid of someone?
Eric: I don't know... But we have to be ready... Here...

Eric places his hand on Cupa's forehead, their eyes flash to a bright blue as all of Eric's knowledge of hand to hand combat was shared to Cupa's mind... Eric's knowledge of sleight of hand, one handed, and two handed weapons, archery and even guns were all shared to Cupa...

Cupa: woah...
Eric: yeah... Use it well... Here take this.

*Eric hands Cupa a silver dagger and his rifle*

Eric: I need you to give me support from afar, just in case we get into trouble...
Cupa: o-okay...

Eric and Cupa journey through the mountains.
Cupa clutches onto the rifle and her hoodie feeling the extreme frosty and thin air on the mountains but Eric looked
as if he wasn't even affected at all, Cupa occasionally catches a glimpse of Eric's eyes flashing to a sudden dark blue and then returning to normal almost immediately after...

(Aella: you know, I find Eric's powers a bit strange, as if there was someone else helping him)
(Cupa: what do you mean?)
(Aella: I just can't shake this feeling that he's hiding something... Like don't you find it strange that he becomes emotionless whenever he uses his powers?)
(Cupa: now that you mention it, it is strange how that happens...)

(Kold: new powers huh?)
(Eric: *sighs* yup, a new power means a new headache...)
(Cryo: Kold, why does this guy hate power? Who cares about headaches?)
(Eric: wait a minute who the hell are you?!)
(Kold: wait you can hear him now?! How?! Oh no...)
(Cryo: nobody, keep on moving, I sense a powerful presence up ahead...)

Eric abides and senses the presence ahead as well... The closer that he gets, the more powerful the presence seems...

Eric: Cupa stay over there by those rocks... I'll holler if I need covering fire...
Cupa: o-okay... Oh but Eric...
Eric: yeah?
Cupa: just... Come back alive, you owe me a real date...
Eric: of course! Tonight... I promise...

On that note, Eric carefully walks ahead, towards the presence...

???: so... Another one of Herobrine's lackies huh?
Eric: you must be Israphel.
Israphel: yes... Why don't you save us both the trouble and turn around and go back to where you came from... Or you can join me! That's even better...
Eric: I'm here to kill you.
Israphel: I know that but why don't you have some tea first? It should help you warm up...
Eric: nope... Just here to kill you and be on my merry way after...

Israphel: suit yourself fool...

Israphel's eyes glow a bright red, his pale white skin shimmered as he slowly walked towards Eric...
Eric just stood there, his eyes an odd ice blue, his face devoid of all emotion, all accept for a faint confident smile on his face... Israphel, vanishes, he had become invisible and made his way behind Eric, who was unaware of Israphel...

For a moment, Israphel hesitated, he somehow felt a lingering cold, and a sort of fear only his victims would feel. But nevertheless, he went for a fatal slash to the neck of Eric who drops onto the hard rocky snow...

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