Chapter 15. Summer school

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"Do I have to?"
"Yes honey you do now go prepare your school materials and I'll have Jeff pick you up for school tomorrow okay?"
"No need, I can get there by myself "
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes mom... Oh if you're going to sign me up then can you send me some extra cash?"
"Thanks mom"
"Try not to get into trouble okay?"
"Will do..."

It was a hot Tuesday afternoon, my mom just called me and said that she signed me up for summer school, apparently lots more are signing up for this, honestly, who would want to go to school during summer vacation?
Well anyways I wasn't worried about that... I was more worried about the fact the Cupa is going to be left alone here at home, seeing as how almost everyone is out to kill me, it's probably not safe for Cupa to be by herself even if she did know how to fight... I then decided after a while that I'd bring Cupa along to school with me... I planned to use the extra money plus my savings to get her enrolled, hopefully she ends up in the same classroom as me...

I prepared my stuff and talked to Cupa explaining to her what she'll have to do in school, she seemed to get it but I almost nearly catch her with a face of confusion a moment ago... Well, back to reality...

The next day, I woke up at about 5 am to prepare the last of my stuff, I went outside of the house to find a package on the front door, it was the uniforms I ordered for Cupa and I. I had to iron them and put a bit of cologne on them, they smelled like the box, I cooked early breakfast and just as I finished cooking, Cupa had woken up...
"Hey, just in time! Have a seat" I said with slight enthusiasm.
"Yeah... Is it time for school yet?" Cupa replied in question sleepily.
"We still have an hour before it starts, have some breakfast and get yourself ready okay?" I replied..( geez I'm starting to sound like my mom)
After breakfast, I took a shower after Cupa and got dressed, it was time to go back to the place I never thought I'd go to during my summer vacation, school...

I contacted Evan, he was also enrolled to the summer school program, we planned to meet up at the park just a five minute walk away from the school.

Cupa: hey Eric?
Eric: yeah?
Cupa: what's school like?
Eric: weren't you listening last night?

Cupa: all you told me about was the lessons, you didn't really say anything about the school much

Eric: oh okay... Well... School, besides the lessons is actually quote a fun place, well, that depends on whether or not you like it.

Cupa: why? Do you not enjoy school?

Eric: yes and no... Yes because I get to see my friends, improve on my knowledge and all that... No because it can mostly be boring stuff...

Cupa: oh... Okay... You still sound as if you're underestimating schools though...☺️

Eric: I don't know...

When Cupa and I arrived, Evan was there, he had also enrolled Andr in, what a coincidence.
We talked and discussed about the subjects that were going to be taught at school, including the new ones,
When we finally reached school, we went to straight to the general office to check on which class we were assigned to.
It turns out that we all have to take a test first at the examination classrooms first.

We took the test... The result were as follows:

Evan: 18/20
Andr: 18/20

Man... I was pissed, careless fault at the last question for me...
When the results were tabulated, the principal personally assigned us to different classrooms,
I was assigned to Class B, Evan, Andr and Cupa were assigned to Class A, looking at the results, it seemed like the test had absolutely nothing to do with choosing our classes...

Eric: dude what the heck...

Evan: that test was unnecessary.

Eric: what about Cupa?

Evan: don't worry, Andr and I will keep an eye on her... Besides, class switching is made possible on the third week of this month, which is next week, this time, that test will decide your class.

Eric: I hope that isn't bull crap again...

Evan: most likely it won't... Well, I guess we'll see you on lunch...
Andr: sorry about that Eric...
Cupa: hey! Don't worry! We'll still see you around recess and lunch remember?
Eric: yeah I guess... Well... See you guys later...

I walked away with a frown and headed towards my classroom, when I reached it, I was greeted with many unfamiliar faces, apart from the main teacher who used to be my science professor, he gave me a knowing smile and told me to sit on the front row, just beside a guy, he was around my height, maybe slightly smaller, the main teacher, Mr Theo introduced my new seat mate as Gerrik, like me, he was a science fanatic...

We both ended up talking a lot, we both had many written ideas on our notebooks which we shared with one another... Mr Theo taught us about all our science formulas, he knows exactly how I best learn, as long as you know the formulas, you don't have to cram your brain into figuring out what the question means, my style would be trying to find what the question is looking for and then using the formulas required to answer the questions...

Lesson after lesson, I studied each and every studying pattern, the syllabus, how the teacher teaches, all relevant to figure out my studying time table at home...( I might as well work hard since nearly my whole summer would be gone from this school)
When our literature lesson ended, it was time for recess... I gave Gerrik my science notebook, we both were planning on working on something during the weekends. He stayed back in class, he says that he wasn't really hungry and decided to just work on listing down the raw materials and supplies needed for our work...

I went down to the school canteen and searched for my friends, I found Andr and Evan seated, both facing each other... I walk up to the both of them and had my sandwich beside them... I then prompted a question... "where's Cupa?" I asked, "you see that crowd? She's over there..." Evan and Andr replied.

I look to see this crowd of boys around a table, I squeezed through and squinted my eyes, Cupa was talking to someone...

(Eric: who is this guy?)
(Kold: hey wassup?)
(Eric: oh now you talk? After a long time of not talking at all?)
(Kold: yeah. I guess... So.. Why is it important that you know this guy?)
(Eric: I don't know...)

My thought conversation was stopped when I saw the guy touch Cupa's hand...

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