Chapter 23. Digital Pain...

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DT: I'm sorry for your loss...

Cupa: this is your fault...

DT: Regardless, I still need to give you this intel...
We found your world...

Cupa: I don't have time for video games...

DT: this is not a video game... We found a portal to your world...

Cupa: ... tell me more...

DT: But, we need you to go to Tesla's lab... The portal is with her...

Cupa: why should I trust you?

DT: because I know who killed your parents...

Cupa: impossible...

DT: your mother was found dead at her own home... It was at night time... You returned from your travels and found your mother's corpse on the floor... Your father nowhere to be seen, all except for a crater outside your own home... Traces of gunpowder in it.

Cupa:... How do you know about this?!

DT: we already have our sources there in Minecraft... But back to the topic... I know who killed your parents...

Cupa: tell me... Tell me!!

DT: none other than your caring friend... Eric...

Cupa: what?! No! I don't believe you!

DT: oh really now? Did you know that Eric had already known of this world? Did he tell you anything about this?

Cupa:... No... He hasn't

DT: he's been conducting research on this world.. He was the one who designed a portal to it!

Cupa: why? Why didn't he tell me?!

DT: I don't know... Maybe he didn't want you to go? We used a recon drone to tail Eric while he wandered into your world only armed with his sword... And then he began to kill everyone in his sight... He chanced upon your parents... Your mother was murdered in cold blood... Your father tried to kill Eric... But only ended up killing himself...

Cupa: No! Eric wouldn't! You're lying! You're lying!!

DT: and yet, he did... Cupa... The Eric you know now, is not his true self...

Cupa: what do you mean?!

DT: deep down inside... He's trying to hide from you his true self... He's a cold hearted murderer, he will not hesitate to take out anyone in his way, even if that person is dear to him... Someone like you...

Cupa: *sobs* Eric...

DT: he is a Cryo... Emotionless killers... I've seen them with my own eyes... Their deceptive in terms of their personality... Now I don't know what they've been telling you about us, but we're trying to keep people away from them, protect them...

Cupa: w-why are y-you telling me this..

DT: because we want to help you... We've made contact with Tesla... Go to her lab and go back to your home... You have people waiting for you...

Cupa:.... O-ok...*sobs*

DT: and Cupa... I know it's lost Eric 4 weeks ago... But remember this... It was for the best... He was a danger to you... You're better off without him

I left the building... I... I didn't know what I was feeling... I felt... Sad... Depressed.... I couldn't think straight after what I just heard... But when I finally regained my senses... I went straight to Eric's home... I looked at his computer... And there it was... I found his research... On Minecraft... A portal to Minecraft... My home...

Cupa felt angered... DT had told her about this.... Her rage began to cloud her thinking, her eyes flashed from dark orange to a crimson red, her hair began to change too, from brown hair to a light blue... She took out the locket Eric had given her... She opens it... A photo of Eric and her... He had taken the photo while Cupa was asleep... Cupa tosses the locket to the wall... The glass of the locket cracks as Cupa left the house, closing the door behind her with a loud thud...

5 weeks after the black crystal incident...

Tesla: are you ready Cupa?

Cupa: I'm ready... Send me back to my home please...

Tesla: here it goes...

Tesla activates the portal... A bright white light was emitted... The portal had opened... Cupa stepped into the portal... Leaving Earth and going back to her home... Minecraft...

Never again shall I trust humans... I don't want to be hurt anymore...


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