Chapter 8. Revelations Part 2

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(Clamour of battle could be heard from the other side of the giant steel door as Heath, Crell and Kyle readied themselves for a fight. As the trio prepared themselves, each of them had a unique aura cloaking their whole bodies. Dark red for Heath, bright yellow for Crell and cerulean blue for Kyle. )

(Suddenly, the door burst open)

Heath: no...

Crell: way...

Kyle: crap...

(In the doorway stood a familiar face, Eric. But something was wrong, he was severely injured and had a dazed look on his face, he dropped to his knees in front of everyone as he struggled to barely hold himself up.)

Heath's POV

"What the hell?!"
"It's... Eric..." Kyle said as his aura dimmed.
"He's injured, help me get him up!" Crell said as she rushed to Eric's side.

We helped Eric up and brought him to the library table, clearing its top and then lying him down on it.
He groaned as he struggled to keep his eyes open, his body practically drenched in blood. Even more blood seeped from his mouth. His eyes were flashing from light blue to a deeper, darker cerulean as he seemed to struggle to suppress something.

"Is he going cryo?" Crell inquired.
"No... This is... Something else..." Kyle said.

I fished my phone from my pocket and dialled for Tesla, she was the only one who could help Eric or at least know what was happening to him. Commander Kyle and Crell stood by the doorway, they both peered in opposite directions for who or what could have attacked Eric.

"No one here..." Kyle said.
"Perhaps, or maybe they've already run off" Crell replied as she snickered.

Tesla: Tesla speaking...

Heath: Tesla, it's Heath... We have a situation.

Tesla: what?

Heath: I found my brother... Well, he found me.. He's badly injured and... Something else is wrong with him.

Tesla: is he going Cryo?

Heath: no... I don't think so, something's different... His eyes are flashing... Lighter to darker blue.

Tesla: no... It can't be...

Heath: it can't be what?!

Tesla: okay... Give me some time to get my gear... Where are you now?

Heath: 7th floor, Herald Library.

Tesla: I'm only four levels above you, I'll be quick. In the meantime, barricade yourselves and protect Eric.

Heath: from what?

Tesla: whatever tries to come through the library doors to try and kill him... Those are most likely the Afflicted. They will be attracted to the scent of Eric's weakened state, he'll be easy pickings unless you defend him.

Heath: damn it...

Tesla: Heath, you'll also need to keep Eric as cold as possible.

Heath: yeah I can do that.

Tesla: But don't freeze him!

Heath: why? He's a Cryo it's fine!

Tesla: it will kill him if this is what I think it is... It's too risky to freeze him.

Heath: the regeneration won't be as effective, it'll take a longer time for him to heal because it isn't cold enough.

Tesla: it'll have to do for now... It's actually best he doesn't regenerate for now.

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