Chapter 6. Together again

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???: cold one... Heed my word and prepare yourself... The heart of a human you may have, but in your blood flows the ancestral power of The Black Frost ... Upon its awakening, it can and will bring about unstoppable destruction and death.

This power your ancestor Edmond wielded was so deathly and chaotic that even he was unable to fully tame it. In the end, his own power overcame him. His attempt to gain control drove him mad and with that weakened mind, the frost overcame him, corrupted him...

You must accept the frost Frigid Chills Eric, it is the only way to tame its magnificent power!

Now... Awaken Frigid Soul! Awaken!

Eric shot up sitting in a cold sweat, he quickly hopped out of bed and peered out the window. The sun was not up yet. Eric fondled around the bed looking for his phone and when he found it, he clicked the power button. The bright light from the phone blinded the drowsy Eric as he struggled to open his eyes at the sudden change of lighting. When he finally was able to squint enough to look at the time on the phone, it was about 4. 30 am.

It had been weeks now of tired nights and insufficient sleep. The nightmares have become less frequent, but ever so slightly more terrifying and intense.

Eric put his hands to his face as he sat on the edge of the bed hunched lazily. He rubbed his eyes, stood up and shuffled across the dark room to the light switch and which he switched on. The white light flickered to life as it illuminated the room. He turned to look at his computer which he never will actually see as a normal computer again. After all, Eric no longer plays or does any work on it too often, but rather uses it to enter and exit Minecraft freely. He walked out of the room shutting the door behind him as he made his way to the kitchen.

Eric opened the fridge and grabbed himself and iced chocolate drink and a plate or lasagna. He microwaved the lasagna and took it with him to the terrace of his house and sat down on a recliner.

The moon was near setting, but it still illuminated the night sky . The terrace overlooked the roofs of neighbouring buildings and houses, in the distance was a large lake that reflected the moonlight and across from it, a thick forest.

Eric sat there eating his lasagna, reminiscing the first time she met Cupa. They had cuddled together on that spot beneath the moonlight, and now, Eric spends his time, alone with nothing but his plate of lasagna and a half finished drink.

He took his phone and decided to call an old friend of his...

Eric: Hey Evan there?

Evan: yeah... What's up?

Eric: I had a feeling you'd still be awake so I thought I'd just call to check in on you... How's the search going?

Evan: not done yet, HQ's been on high alert for the past week, we won't be done until we find that spy.

Eric: you should get some rest dude, you sound exhausted.

Evan: I can't, while that guy has that data. Very dangerous info at the hands of the wrong person can be very catastrophic.

Eric: all this aside, you found Andr yet?

Evan: haven't gotten the chance to visit Heather's lab... Yet.

Eric: you mean Tesla?

Evan: you've forgotten her real name. Wow.

Eric: I didn't forget... Just got a bit confused, it's been a while since I heard Tesla's real name.

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