Chapter 18. The Return Of The Black Flame

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Black Flame Agent: that's him...

Flame Sentinel: grab him!

Eric: you guys again...

I went for my knife and lunged at them... I stabbed and stabbed but somehow the agent was able to dodge them... Typical of DT to train them against our Techniques... He countered and stabbed me with something... I thought it was a knife but I looked to see that it was a syringe... He injected me with a glowing crimson red fluid... My body immediately felt like it was on fire... My powers were unable to reduce the pain... Whatever they injected had seemed to be interfering with my fast regeneration...

The sensation he felt was all too familiar... The very sensation he had was from the flame powers he used to wield... As he fell to the ground, though he was accustomed to the pain, it felt like... As though he was being destroyed... Molecule by molecule... He couldn't do anything... As he passes out... The last thing he sees before he blacked out was Cupa being pulled away as well...

I woke up... Sweating profusely... Darn it... Endless questions filled my head as I got up... I walked unsteadily towards a metal door... I need to find a way out of here... As I opened the door, it creaked as though it was rusted... Like it hasn't been used for a long time... I walked in a seemingly endless hallway... My legs weak and shaking, I had to use the walls for support... When I reached the end of a hallway, I entered a room with a long table... Seated on one side was one piece of crap I never thought I'd see again... DT...

DT: you're awake... That's good... I knew the serum wouldn't kill you...

Eric: what... Did you do to me?! Where's Cupa?!

DT: have a seat and I'll answer your questions

Eric: *sits down in defeat...*

DT: so... About your powers... You know that serum that was injected to you contained neural toxins... These neural toxins were designed by...

Eric: Deso...

DT: spot on! Well.. Even though your powers can heal you quickly, these neural toxins can work a ten fold faster... Deso even designed it to be remotely accessible... Using nanotechnology, we can accelerate the effects of the toxins to even to the point that it kills you in about... 2.3 seconds? Just a rough estimate...

Eric: what the hell do you want from me?!

DT: easy... But before we do business, did you know that it's bad to bring emotion in negotiations? Well... I do need something... In exchange, I'll have you and your friend released and even... Give you valuable intel on something...

Eric: I'll take Cupa... But I don't think I'll be needing any more of your lies...

DT: trust me... And by my word, what I'm going to tell you then... Is more part of you than you think...

Eric: whatever... What do you want?

DT: I need you to... Retrieve something for me...

Eric: by that you mean steal right?

DT: don't be like that... Remember, you and your friend's life is on the line... I need you to infiltrate the DreamCorp testing grounds and look for a black crystal... It should be somewhere under there... Oh and you might want to use gloves to touch it...

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