Chapter 19. To A Town Of Horrors

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Eric: Evan...

Evan: what?

Eric: I'm sorry but I need you to keep Cupa here... I can't risk it... I just can't...

Evan: why not? You did train her remember?

Eric: I know dude but... Remember the time we sent men there to investigate? An entire squadron of Cryo Combatants were eviscerated! And we don't even know how it happened and who or what did it...

Evan: you're right... But dude... How do you suggest I distract her?! You know well she won't stay in one place just like t

Eric: I know... That's why I need you to put her on stasis...

Evan: what?! Freeze her are you insane?! You can't just do that to random people dude remember?! She won't survive it...

Eric: I didn't mean freeze her of course... I meant you use Tesla's neural electro stasis... I'll be gone for three days and she'll see it as only one minute or so...

Evan: what are you gonna tell her when you come back?

Eric: leave that to me... Set it up... Here she comes...

Cupa: Eric when do we leave? Yay I'm so excited! Did you pack lunch?

Eric: uhm yeah... Listen I need to go to the bathroom... It's gonna be a long trip...

Evan:( comes back holding stasis device behind his back...) why? Are you afraid you'll wet yourself when you get to town?! Hahahaha

Eric: Evan...( Kold: whew... *yawns* why is it so tiring to hibernate?! Anyways... What is he saying about you wetting yourself?)

Eric:(not a good time Kold... We'll talk when I leave...) I really need to go to the bathroom...

When Eric left for the bathroom, Evan snuck up behind Cupa and attempted to shock her with it... But Cupa turns around and sees Evan holding the device...

Cupa: Evan... What are you...

Evan panics and shocks Cupa... She fell into a deep- slumber like state... And she fell forward... Evan tries to catch Cupa and accidentally catches her into a hug... His lips come into contact with Cupa's... It was a relief for him that Andr was in the room playing with the cat, but at that very moment, Eric had come out to check if Cupa had fallen asleep... From Eric's point of view, he saw Evan kissing Cupa...

Eric: you put her to sleep alright...

Evan: i-it was an accident... I...

Eric: save it... Keep her on stasis I'll be gone for three days...

Evan: wait what am I going to tell Andr?

Eric: think about that yourself...

Eric abruptly leaves and gets on his sky cycle... He dashes upwards and high in the sky heading towards his destination coordinates... DT had told him to look for his friend Nicola in that town... No specifics given... Only that Eric should be careful not to get on her bad side... Eric flew high in the clouds so as to keep himself concealed...

After 4 hours of driving, Eric lands near a gas station in the middle of nowhere... He enables the cloaking device on his ride and leaves it behind a dumpster...
He enters the small eatery nearby and sits down... His hood covering his face... The waitress looks at him and asks...

Waitress: what would you like to have dear?

Eric: "The Ice Cold Special"...

Waitress: I see... Not been many Ice Heads(Cryomancers) around here for quite some time now...

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