Chapter 14. Home...

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Cupa's POV

I woke up, I was laying on the grass, my back hurts a little bit... Eric wasn't beside me, I got up, it was still a bit dark, the sun hasn't fully risen yet... I walked around looking for Eric... When I finally found him, I was flabbergasted at what I saw... There he was... Laying on the grass... A blue windy aurora was floating above his body... I ran to his side and checked... He was still alive... But he was in some sort of trance... I woke him up... He looked at me with a confused look...

Eric: Cupa... Why are you crying?
Cupa: I thought... I thought you were dead...
Eric: woah what?! How would I...

Eric looks around, he then realised that they weren't at the spot they slept in last night... He dries Cupa's tears...

Eric: let's go...
Cupa: home?
Eric: yeah...

We made our way back to the cottage to pick up our luggage... Then, we took a cab to the airport.... It was time to leave. Once we arrived in the terminal, we went and looked for Evan and Andr, they were taking the same plane as us. When we found them, they were happily eating together on the table, they looked like a couple on a date together...

We sat down with them, talked for a while, had some snacks and then we set off and boarded our plane... The four of us luckily had nearly the same ticket seatings so Cupa and I were just behind Andr and Evan... It was gonna be a long flight, Cupa slept while I stayed awake, why? Because this kid kept on kicking the back of my chair... Lucky me...

About a few minutes later, the kid finally fell asleep, geez... I was starting to feel the kicks on my back... I then attempted to relax and soon after, I dozed off...

Evan's POV

This is really getting uncomfortable, Andr's been mad at me for accidentally walking in on her naked... Oh why am I so dumb? I tried to apologise to her but whenever I do, she pushes me away or even teleports to different places, it was really tiring running around looking for her...
But she started to talk to me again when we were at the airport...
As I was deep in thought, I didn't notice that Andr was feeling sleepy and that she kept tilting her head due to her exhaustion, when I finally noticed, I placed her head against my shoulder... She recoils and sits up straight...

Evan: you're tired... Rest on my shoulder...
Andr: no I'm not... I'm just resting my...*falls asleep*
Evan: yup... You're tired...
Andr: *wakes up* huh?! No... I'm not tired...* falls asleep again*
Evan:*sighs* Ms Andr! No sleeping in class! Now... What is A squared multiplied to B squared?
Andr:*wakes up* huh?! Uhm... C squared!
Evan: hahaha
Andr: uhh... So annoying... Fine you got me I'm sleepy alright? But I'm fine on just sleeping on the seat...
Evan: you sure?
Andr: yes...
Evan: are you still mad at me?
Andr: no...
Evan: then why...
Andr: look I'm just a bit cranky okay? I've been teleporting all night because of you...
Evan: but I wasn't just gonna let you be by yourself...
Andr:*blushes* you know? If that's what you wanted, then why didn't you just ask? You don't need to barge in you know?
Evan:*face as red as a tomato* aaagh! No no no no! I didn't mean that sort of thing! I just didn't want you to be by yourself... I wanted to apologise to you...
Andr: huh?!................😳....... Just... F-forget... What I said....
Evan: uhm... Are you okay?
Andr: I hate you...
Evan: I know... Haha...

Moments later, Andr had fallen asleep... Evan decided to just play with his DX...
Suddenly, Evan felt a weight press against his shoulder... He didn't have to look to know what or who was leaning against his shoulder, so he wraps his arm around Andr's shoulders as he falls asleep as well...

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