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Lana and I followed Morgan and Roland to the balcony, and we hid behind the wall. There was a man in a blue suit and yellow tie. His mask was a combination of these two colours, and he smiled towards the boys.

- I have to admit, Roland. You are hard to be killed. – the man laughed.

- Yes, genes, I guess. – Roland chuckled and pointed at Morgan – This is my uncle. I guess the surviving skills are coming from him.

- Nice to meet you. – the man spoke shaking Morgan's arm.

- Nice to meet you too. My nephew mentioned something about a controlling serum. I couldn't believe that he was wasting his money on that and decided to check it. – Morgan said acting.

- It is real. – the man smirked and took off from his jacket two inhalers with yellow substance – The best of the market.

I felt Lana stiffen and I grabbed her hand. I tried to show her with one look not to do anything stupid, but she did it anyway. She walked to Roland getting him scared and wrapped her arms around his neck:

- Hey, sunshine. – she kissed his cheek making him blush – You promise that we are meeting in the bed, and I have been waiting for 15 minutes. – she looked innocent around – Did I interrupt something?

I rolled my eyes. I have to admit that Lana was a really good actress, but if Roland suffered like that, I decided that Morgan should too. I walked to him hugging him across his chest whispering in his ear so no one could hear:

- Now I want you to pretend that I am telling something very cheesy and flirty. I will let your imagination decide what will be.

I even kissed his ear and he coughed slightly trying to hide his huge smirk. He got used to that and didn't mind acting with me, but I could spot that Roland didn't know that. He was still grinning that Lana was hugging him even if he knew she was acting.

- Sorry, about that. You know how women are. – Morgan laughed and the man nodded with a chuckle.

- No problem. Now give me the money. – the man waved his hand.

Roland grabbed his wallet and took off the money. He was about to give them to the man taking the yellow substance when one man wearing a black suit rushed to the man. He whispered something to him, and I saw the man frown even though he was wearing a mask.

- Kill them. – he yelled and walked away.

A few more men appeared pointing guns at us. I sighed putting my hands away from my husband and said:

- You know for a moment thought that this would work.

- Me too. – Morgan sighed and smiled towards me – You are a good actress.

- Thank you. – I winked at him making him grin.

Roland grabbed one smoke grenade and threw it on the ground. The moment smoke appeared, she blinded the henchmen, Morgan, Roland, Lana, and I jumped from the floor landing in a truck full of pillows. It left somewhere and we managed to escape without any casualties. We managed to hide in a hut, and I saw Morgan immediately sitting in a chair with pain written on his face.

- Are you okay? - I asked anxiously.

- Yes, my leg hurts a little. - Morgan smiled weakly and looked at Roland and Lana arguing - Stop, we're working together now, and I don't want to hear these things.

- He's a bastard. - Lana frowned as a child.

- She's a bitch. - Roland folded his arms.

- What would we do now? We missed our chance to get the serum. – I said looking at the two boys.

- I planned to take the serum and make an antidote. Now we don't have a chance. – Roland explained.

- This plan sucks. Just like all your plans. – Lana rolled her eyes making the young man frown.

Morgan kept feeling pain in his leg and Lana who was understanding more from medicine, decided to look. All of us had changed into normal casual clothes, and I was looking at how Lana was stretching up Morgan's leg. Roland came to me and held a bottle of water. I shook my head and he sighed:

- Don't worry. It is new.

- Sorry, I don't trust you. – I said looking at the man – You could have poisoned it.

- You think that I will poison you while both you, my uncle and Lana had guns with you? – Roland asked confused like he was hurt.

- What do you expect me to think? – I asked him – You did so many terrible things and you want me to forgive you.

- I spent three years in one cell as my only touch with the world was through your husband. He made sure to come every weekend for at least two hours and even if I could see he hated me, he stayed with me. – Roland explained and smiled at the memory – Some days we stood in silence with our thoughts, other days we talked about the past and other days we played games.

- Why are you telling me this? - I asked.

- Because I know you're mad at Morgan for not telling you I'm alive, but he wouldn't say because he knew I was scared. - Roland replied.

- You are afraid. - I burst out laughing but stopped when I saw his face.

The fiery and terrifying flames I had seen all the time were now completely gone. He looked like a little boy because of his youthful face, and he was frowning as if he was going to cry at any moment.

- You're really scared. From me? - I asked confused.

- You know very well that every member of the Curse family has an indestructible dark side that can destroy everything. However, you are the light in Morgan's darkness which succeeded in controlling it. My father Ryan had no chance of finding that ray of light and was engulfed in darkness. - Roland spoke and sighed looking at the bottle of water - I also did not find this ray of light and living with the terrible lies of my father I indulged in darkness, but the moment I began to spend more time with Morgan, I realized I was wrong.

- But that doesn't explain why you were afraid of me? - I asked confused.

- I'm not afraid of you. I just ... I knew you would never forgive me for what I did, and I felt guilty. Morgan knew that, of course, and even if he had reasons to hide me, she was one of them. - Roland explained.

- Did he forgive you? - I asked.

- I'm not yet, but I'm about 30% sure he won't kill me. - Morgan interrupted the conversation.

I looked in his direction and saw that he was standing leaning on his cane. Lana stood beside him with her arms crossed. The two had overheard the whole conversation.

- You had a heart. - Lana grinned - Do you want to show me the hut?

Roland looked between me and Morgan and nodded as he left the room with her. I walked closer to him wrapping my arms around his neck and he placed his one hand around my waist bringing him closer.

- You know I was wondering how you were able to walk without the cane. – I asked trying to resist the urge to kiss him.

- I was using a leg brace that was helping me walk but the moment I fell, I felt the pain. – Morgan explained looking at me with loving eyes.

- I am so angry at you for hiding this from me. – I sighed getting closer to him.

- I know that. I am sorry. – Morgan mumbled and kissed me.

I kissed him back, but that turned out to be a make-out session. Soon we were on the closest bed kissing hungrily without any hint that we would stop soon. 

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