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I parked in front of the school and waited. Five minutes later Emily, Charlie, Elijah and Liam came to me hugging me happily. Emma showed up too, but the girl was mostly smiling because Ruby was coming to greet me. Soon Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan came too and all of them were happy that they were finally going home after a tiring day. Even if the school was a boarding school and my kids did have the chance to stay here, they didn't want that. They still preferred the mansion which was one hour from where they studied.

- Bye. – Ruby said goodbye to my kids and kissed Emma's cheek who practically jumped happily.

- Bye, Ruby. – Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emily, Elijah, and Liam replied one after another.

The girl blushed slightly when Emma returned the kiss, and I could barely contain myself not laughing. These two were so young and so in love. I could see them being amazing best friends or even girlfriends in the future.

Once everyone was in the car, the kids started telling me about their day at school. From playing football with some of their friends to learning new things. Only Charlie didn't share all day, but the moment I asked about her day she smiled with her eyes glimmery with happy sparks and started telling me how she defeated Elijah and Liam at one game, how she learned how to make paint from flowers and how the teacher was so good towards her.

We got back home, and my kids ran to their rooms to get change. I followed them and if they needed help, I assisted them and I gave them 10 minutes to rest while I got downstairs and made dinner. Walking into the kitchen, I groaned in displeasure. Morgan was sitting on the high chairs with a glass of whiskey in his hands.

- Seriously, Morgan, you couldn't wait until the kids got in the beds. – I asked angrily.

- Nope. – Morgan answered with a dry voice and gulped the whole whiskey at once – I am tired.

I stood in front of him stopping from going any further and asked:

- What's going on with you? Why don't you want to spend time with your family?

- I want that, but I am tired. Trust me. – Morgan answered and moved a lock of my hair behind my ear - I promise to repay you later.

I nodded and he gave me a short kiss before going upstairs. I made dinner and started making the table just as ten hungry children appeared.

The dinner ended well, and the kids immediately got their position in the living room to watch their favourite serial. I used that moment and I walked upstairs. Entering our bedroom, I was expecting to see Morgan on the bed since he was tired, but instead, I found him sitting on the chair near the desk and writing in his diary/sketchbook/song notebook.

- I thought you were tired. – I said making myself visible and I walked to him.

He was drawing a beautiful forest during the night with a Full Moon, but he didn't stop even if he heard me.

- It's just I sobered a little and I have a headache. – Morgan answered not looking at me at all, continuing to draw.

- Why did you drink in the first place then? – I asked my next question.

- Do I have to have a reason to drink? – Morgan looked at me raising a confused eyebrow.

- Well, no. But I know you. – I sighed and sat on the chair next to him taking his arm – I do know that whenever you are angry, terrified, struggling with something, had nightmares, or feeling that you had hurt me, you are drinking. What is this time?

Morgan glanced at his sketch of the forest biting slightly his lip. It was almost unnoticeable, but I knew him very well, and I could see even the slightest sign of fear or anxiety in him. After what seemed like an eternity, but it was more likely like a minute, he glanced back at me and said:

- I am just scared that we won't be able to raise our kids.

- Why are you saying that? – I got confused.

- Because a new villain is experimenting with Controlling mind serum, we still don't know what the antidote is, and we don't who this villain is. On top of that, we have 10 amazing kids, who were so clueless about that and didn't even know how to fight. – Morgan shared his thoughts.

- I think that shooting with Nerf guns and paintball counts like fighting. – I tried to reassure him and even if that brought a small smile, it didn't last long.

- I didn't mean this way of fighting. – Morgan sighed.

- I know what you meant. – I nodded and pecked his lip – Do you want to come with me downstairs and spend some time with your family?

- Of course. – Morgan agreed and I stood up still holding his hand.

He closed his diary and taking his cane stood up. We walked downstairs where I had left them Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, Emily, Charlie, Elijah, and Liam were still watching their TV serial. They smiled towards us, and we spent quality family time before they had to go back to bed because they were at school tomorrow.

Morgan and I got all our kids in their beds and after five minutes all of them were sleeping in their beds. I took a bath and the moment I got dressed; I went to check on all my kids. All of them were sleeping peacefully in their rooms and beds.

I went into our bedroom, and I saw Morgan already lying down on the bed looking through his phone but the moment he saw me smiled. I could swear a hunger appeared in his eyes.

- Morgan. – I rolled my eyes and lay down next to him – Stop thinking inappropriate things.

- Can you blame me, love? – Morgan laughed slightly and hugged me kissing my neck – I love you so much.

- I love you too, babe. – I answered back hugging him back and kissing his cheek – Now let's sleep. Someone had to stand tomorrow morning, make breakfast, and drive the kids.

- Who is this person? – Morgan asked confused looking at me.

I slapped him on the arm causing him to laugh. I put my head on his chest and fell asleep like that.

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