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Morgan came to me and carefully took my bandaged arm. I immediately grumble in pain.

- Does it hurt so much? - he asked confused.

- Yes. The man with arrows is guilty. He twisted my arm. - I sighed and looked at Morgan.

His face was slightly pale, and his eyes were tired. His hair was flattened and slightly wet. I rubbed his cheek with my other arm and asked:

- Are you okay?

- Yeah. I just had a nightmare and decided to take a shower. That's why my hair is still wet. I wanted to see you. - Morgan answered and brought my hand to his lips.

He kissed my bandage making me smile. I even blushed and found interest in my shoes. I heard my husband chuckle before I felt his finger under my chin. He pushed my head slightly and I was met with my favourite blue-green eyes staring at me with so much love.

- Did I mention that I love you? - Morgan asked with not so much an innocent smile.

- No, I don't think so. - I answered thinking and Morgan kissed the corner of my mouth - Sorry, I can't remember.

Morgan let a small laugh before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. I put my arms around his neck and our lips met in a passionate kiss.

I heard a cough and we separated looking at Lana and Roland. The girl had her arms crossed staring at us while the boy had an amused smile.

- I would be so happy when I move into my new wing of the mansion. - Lana sighed.

- Can I live with you? - Roland asked as I could swear, he was giving her puppy eyes.

Lana bit her lip and made an excuse before running out of the room. Roland glanced at us confused and then back when the girl had disappeared.

- Let me give you a few pieces of advice for women. Follow me. - Morgan winked at him and walked away with the boy following him.

I smiled amused shaking my head. Suddenly my phone vibrated, and I took it seeing that I had a message from headquarters. Without delay, I went there with Morgan, Roland, and Lana. As I entered the headquarters, I noticed that all the spies were worried.

- What is going on here? - Morgan asked.

- I've been following Alejandro for several days, and I've noticed that he always goes to this building. - one of the spies said and pointed to a green dot on the computer screen - At first, we thought it was his home, but it turned out differently.

- What is it? - I asked this time.

- Here he and his boss are experimenting with their serums on the victims of his "list" probably. - the spy replied.

- We have to stop him. We can't leave him like that. - Lana was nervous.

- Where is the building? - Morgan asked without hesitation.

The spy showed us the coordinates and I set off with Morgan, Roland, and Lana. Arriving at the place, we hide behind one bush already wearing our spy costumes and gear.

Morgan wore a uniform which was black with a blue tinge. There was a sleeve on his right arm with a glove, while on his left arm, there was only a finger glove and arm guard. Part of the tattoo on his left arm could be seen between his sleeve and his glove. He had a holster with arrows over his shoulder, and he held a bow in his left hand. He also had a thigh holster on his left leg with a gun already loaded. My uniform was a black suit with red details on the front, as well as armour for the shoulders and knees. I had a holster with a loaded pistol on both my legs and a knife hidden in my right thigh. I had an electroshock weapon which was located on my wrist as two shaped bracelets are worn. They could deliver powerful electrical discharges only by touching one button. I was glad that Taylor made them.

Lana's suit was similar to mine, but it was all leather and had no stun bracelets. Instead, she had a sword slung over her shoulder and holsters on her legs for her throwing knives and pistol. Roland was dressed in a black suit resembling Morgan's, but this one had sleeves on both arms. He had a submachine gun slung over his shoulder and held an assault rifle in his hand. He, like all of us, had holsters on his feet with a pistol.

I was looking through the binoculars at the building where Alejandro was and was torturing two men and one woman. They were screaming in pain and crying from fear. I frowned in anger putting down the binoculars. I looked at the faces of my friends. Morgan was still staring at the building with his binoculars. Lana was rubbing her chin thinking about something while Roland was smiling. He grinned and spoke:

- Where will we go and have fun?

- We are on a mission, dumbass. – Lana rolled her eyes.

- I know that, but I have different interests and I enjoy different things than you, Madam Boredom. – Roland said back.

They started throwing at each other comments and I was getting tired of it. Why can't they just admit that they like each other and end with all the arguing constantly? I puffed looking at my husband who was clenching his jaw and getting furious. He lowered the binoculars and whispered-yelled:

- Stop. For god's sake, you are like kids, and you irritate me more than them. And I have 10 children.

- Okay, we will stop. – Lana reassured him – What is the plan?

- Since we are two couples we will separate. Elena and I will enter through the front door while you and Roland will enter through the back door. We will use the moment of surprise. – Morgan answered looking at the building – There are 12 henchmen and Alejandro. If we get there quietly, we will be able to take them down.

- What is my code name? – Roland almost jumped enthusiastically, and we stared at him – What? I know that my whole family has a spy nickname they used during their missions.

- How about your nickname be The Snake? After all, they possessed poisons and killed 50,000 humans killed per year. – Lana suggested with a big smile.

- I never killed a person. – Roland frowned but smiled once again – I like it.

- Okay then let's go. – I spoke and all of them nodded.

Morgan and I rushed to the door. Morgan drew one of his arrows and placed it on his bow ready to fire. I grabbed my pistol and touched the earpiece three times in my ear. A black mask with red ornaments appeared on my face. I looked at Morgan and noticed that he had put on a mask like mine but with blue streaks on it.

I motioned for him, and he walked away from the door. I stood behind him. Morgan fired the arrow into the door lock, and by pressing the small button on his bow, she squirmed softly. The door lock fell to the ground and the door opened. I went inside and looked around, but it was too quiet and there was nothing in the first room. The moment we entered the second room, 3 henchmen attacked us. One of them immediately fell to the ground shot by an arrow. I rushed to the other, but I slipped through his legs at the last moment and struck him with an electric shock from my bracelets. He fell to the ground trembling, and I turned to the other, who had been caught by Morgan's arrow. I attacked him and knocked him to the ground using a movement learned from Lana. Morgan came to me and took his arrow back.

We continued down the corridor and several other followers attacked us but were quickly overthrown by the Wolf and the Wolf Princess.

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