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The movie we watched was very interesting for me, but Morgan didn't like the movie at all. He claimed that the movie was too slow and that some of the scenes can't happen in the real world. I just shook my head and kissed his lips making him smile a bit.

However, at that moment the door rang. I stood up to check and the moment I opened the door, I saw Greg.

- What are you doing here? – I asked confused.

- I heard the news and I wanted to congratulate you that you have your husband by your side. – Greg answered with a charming smile.

- Thank you. – I chuckled and that gained Morgan's attention because I heard him coming to me – Is there something else?

- Oh, yeah, I forgot. – Greg giggled – My sister has a wedding on Friday, and she wanted me to bring some friends.

Morgan wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my neck possessively. I saw the man in front of me get uncomfortable and stare at my husband with hate.

- Why does she want you to bring friends? – I said returning Greg's look on me.

- She claims that I don't have friends and that 80% of the people who would be at the wedding are unknown to me. That's why she wants me to have at least a few people I know, and I'll be able to talk to them. – Greg explained and smiled hopefully – That's why I want to invite you to come.

- We will think about it because someone had to watch the kids. – I replied but I heard Morgan grumble slightly.

- Okay. Tell me what you have decided until Thursday so I can tell my sister and arrange things. - Greg agreed and waved – Goodbye. I hope I will see you there.

- Goodbye. – I said back while Morgan mumbled it.

I closed the door and turned back staring at Morgan who was glaring at me with jealous blue-green eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaned forward to his lips but didn't kiss him and said:

- We talked about jealousy, aren't we?

- And where did I stop from being the jealous person in our relationship? – Morgan asked sarcastically.

- Just trust me. I won't make the same mistake as before and you won't make the same mistakes too. – I told him rubbing his nape and he sighed nodding – Now what do you think? Should we go?

- We need a new babysitter. – Morgan thought and I beamed happily – But I am not leaving your side.

I finally kissed him, and he smiled. I heard a small cough behind us, and I stopped looking back. Lana had her arms crossed and was nervous while Roland was staring at us grinning.

- What is it? – Morgan asked the two people.

- Dominique Chester had bought the control machine before Alejandro stole it. However, this isn't the most confusing thing. – Lana explained – He is a....

- A ghost. – Roland interrupted her, and she glared at him – There are no records for him, no documents showing he is working somewhere. Nothing.

- Maybe he is dead, and Alejandro is just manipulating us. – Morgan suggested.

- We thought the same thing, but no. We couldn't find even a document showing he was dead. – Lana answered.

- What if he had changed his name? – Morgan suggested once again.

- I would check that, but I doubt I would find something. If I had found it, I would have told you by now. – Roland answered.

- And I was with him, so I know what he found, and he didn't. – Lana mentioned causing Roland to scoff.

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