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I opened the door and I spotted tired-looking Greg. However, the moment he spotted me, he smiled with his typical smirk and said:

- Hey, Elena. Can I enter?

- Yeah, of course. – I said confused and let him inside – Is there something wrong?

- Nothing wrong. Just I wanted to escape from my sister and her husband who couldn't stop talking about having kids. – Greg explained – I thought I could hide here for a few hours.

- Okay. – I said walking to the kitchen – Do you want anything?

- Coffee. – Greg answered following me.

Morgan immediately frowned upon seeing the man but stayed quiet when I stared at him. Greg sat on the highchairs next to Morgan and greeted him:

- How are you today?

- I was better before you came. – he mumbled under his breath.

- Morgan. – I nearly growled showing him to be kind and looked at Greg while making him coffee – How is your sister after the wedding?

- Oh, she is okay. Little depressed she had to endure this on her special day, but at least no one was killed – he answered, and I gave him his mug of coffee – Thank you.

I took my glass of coffee and sat next to Morgan, but I spotted he was gloomy. He was staring at his tea as if he would find the solution to immortality. I pushed him slightly and he glanced at me with sad blue-green eyes. A smile appeared on his face wiping all this distress and he spoke:

- I am fine. Really.

- Are you sure? – I asked back and took his arm interlacing our fingers.

Morgan nodded and kissed my knuckles making me blush slightly. Greg coughed making me realize he was still there. My husband frowned instantly but decided to stay quiet for me. Caressing his hand, I started a conversation with the man sitting next to my husband.


Lana sighed in frustration as she saw the result come out of the serum with which Raza had "committed suicide." Rebecca and Taylor rubbed their temples frustrated too. Only Roland was happy because he was focused on eating the whole chips package.

- This is a very strong serum. Once you inhale it, you die. – Rebecca spoke the inevitable.

- There must always be a way to create an antidote. - Lana thought.

- We will try, but I doubt we will be useful. I'm not an expert on these things, but what I do understand is that this serum is made to evolve if someone tries to stop it. - Taylor replied - Even if my wife creates an antidote, there is a chance it will not work.

Lana rubbed her forehead, looking at Roland. He swallowed his chips and held out the bag of chips to her, asking:

- Do you want?

Lana rolled her eyes, trying to stop the smile on her face. Rebecca and Taylor looked at each other, nodding to each other that there was something between them or that there would be. At that moment, a girl came in shyly and said:

- Team Trouble and Ruby did a prank on Landon.

- These are my cousins. – Roland burst into a laugh but Lana smacked him on the arm making him grumble.

Rebecca and Taylor sighed before going out of the room to see what had happened.


Me, Morgan, and Greg still sat in our kitchen and drank our coffees. Greg and I have a conversation about one amazing romantic book which turns out we had both read. Morgan kept quiet because he didn't read the books and was staring at our joint hands playing with them.

My phone rang and I took it from the pocket jeans noticing that it was Rebecca. I already had my suspicion as to why she was calling, but I answered the call anyway:

- What have they done this time?

- They defended their sister and my daughter's honour. As far as I understood Landon made Charlie upset and Ruby sad. That caused Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emily, Elijah, and Liam to prank him in front of the whole school while Emma decided to kick him. – Rebecca explained and laughed – I won't say where she hit him.

I laughed causing Morgan and Greg to stare at me confused. Once I was calm, I gave them a look that I would explain later and said:

- Then I am coming to take them.

- Lana and Roland make sure of it. They will be with you in less than an hour. – Rebecca answered.

- Goodbye, thank you that you made me laugh. – I said and closed the call after she said goodbye too.

I explained the situation to the boys, and both laughed at my daughter's instincts. Because of their little prank, my kids were suspended for the rest of the week. After a few minutes, my kids were at home and by the looks on their faces in the beginning, I knew they expected me and their father to be angry. However, I wasn't angry. I was proud that my kids protected each other and the people they cared about, but disappointed that this was their way of resolving things. With smiles, that they won't be punished Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, Emily, Elijah, and Liam rushed to their rooms to change. Charlie looked at me with sad eyes and I kneeled in front of her. She showed interest in her hands as she was playing with her fingers.

- Whenever Landon said to you, it isn't true. How about you go change like your siblings and then we'll do something together. – I suggested her.

- I want you to read to me and Daddy to sing to me. – she negotiated.

- We have a deal, sweetie. – Morgan spoke behind me.

A beaming smile appeared on her face, and she ran to her room. I stood up and looked back. Morgan wrapped his arm around me smiling at me lovely, but he frowned immediately when Greg walked into the room.

- I think I should go. – he said shyly – See you the next time.

- Okay. Bye, Greg. – I said sending him to the door and I closed the door once I was sure he exited the gate.

I went upstairs to help my kids if they had difficulties and got back downstairs. Soon all my kids were in Morgan's creative room and were listening to how he plays on his piano. We stayed like that for a few hours, before spending the whole day together.

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