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It has been five days since the accident, but the side effects of the serum were still there. My pain was getting back at the most inappropriate moment, and I was getting numb. I couldn't move for minutes, I felt like I was dying, and I couldn't stop crying in pain. Morgan on the other hand was constantly getting afraid of every sudden sound and was having intense nightmares. At least there wasn't something terrible.


Morgan started to turn his head left and right, squeezing his eyes. He had nightmares.

He opened his eyes looking around thinking he was waking up but realized he wasn't in the bed. He was locked in one metal storage locker, and he got panic and he started hitting the door. It couldn't open the door and Morgan stopped trying to take a deep calm breath. Suddenly the door cracked, and he pushed it slightly. He was in his old school changing room. Morgan walked out of the room looking around confused but then realized that all doors were locked except one. He walked towards it and out of a sudden he was in the middle of a large meadow. Noticing the bodies on the ground, he went closer to investigate but then realized that his parents and siblings were on the ground covered in blood.

He sat up scared looking around terrified, but he was in his room. Elena sat next to him and rubbed his hand asking:

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, I am fine. I had a dream in my dream. – Morgan answered.

- At least everything ended. – Elena smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

The door to the bathroom opened but it was very dark inside. Morgan stood up going to close it, but the closer he got scared he became. Elena got anxious too and started begging:

- Morgan, come back to bed. – nothing – Morgan, please.

Morgan grabbed the door handle and opened it walking inside to see what was going on. However, he was suddenly in a small room and there was yellow smoke around him. Morgan started panicking seeing all the villains he had defeated running towards him holding knives and guns.

- It is a dream. Wake up, Morgan. – Morgan yelled to himself and started hitting himself slightly on the head – Wake up.


I felt Morgan yelling in his dream to wake up and I opened my eyes. Before I could realize it, he screamed in fear waking up as he started trashing out in the bed. I immediately got up and hugged him trying to calm him down.

- Shh, you are okay. – I whispered - It's okay, Morgan. Calm down.

Morgan stopped screaming in pain and started crying desperately hiding his face in my chest. I rubbed his back and kissed his cheek and nape to comfort him.

- Prove me this is reality. – Morgan cried separating from me.

- Count with me. – I said and started showing my fingers one by one as Morgan counted them – Is this solid proof?

Morgan nodded still breathing hard and lay down on the bed putting his head on the pillow. I snuggle into him trying to calm him down even more.

- I love you, Love. – Morgan smiled and kissed my temple.

- I love you too, babe. – I said back and kissed his neck.

We fell asleep once again. This time we didn't wake up early in the morning and we slept up until 9:30. After all it was the weekend, and it wasn't necessary to get up early in the morning.

I walked downstairs. Roland was sleeping on the sofa in the living room and was slightly drooling. Lana's door was closed, and I could suspect that it was even locked. I walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Morgan walked into the kitchen gloomily still remembering his nightmare I guess and sat on the highchairs.

- What was your nightmare about? – I asked.

- I was having a nightmare, but then I woke up or at least I think that. I was locked in one metal school locker in my school. Opening it, I entered the only opened door and there I saw my family dead. I woke up once again, but it was a dream once again. – Morgan explained and sighed rubbing his temple – I can't tell what reality is and what isn't.

- Do you remember when they were trying to brainwash you? – I asked and Morgan nodded – This is the same, but this time we know what to do.

- And what we will do? – Morgan grinned.

- I will help you with the nightmares. I will wake up with you every night, help you deal with them, and I will try to soothe you until you fall asleep again. – I promised as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

- Okay. Then I will help you with the pain. I will be there when you need a person to hold you, to give you medicines or if you need someone to hug you. – Morgan promised back putting his hands on my waist.

I smiled happily knowing that Morgan would always be there for me. Even if I knew that every day I am convinced that he is for me and my true love. I pecked his lip making him smile.

After a short make-out session, we separated, and I continued to make breakfast. Morgan fixed the table putting sheets, plates, cups, and everything else needed. Around 10:30 a.m. our kids woke up and we had a small family dinner. Roland and Lana joined us too.

- What will we do now? – Jacob asked swallowing his food.

- We don't have plans, but we can do something in the backyard. – I answered.

- We can play soccer. – Jason suggested.

- Boys against girls. – Gabriel yelled happily.

- That isn't fair at all. – Hannah groaned – Four girls against six boys.

- Who said it would be fair? – Dylan laughed slightly.

- Or kids versus adults. – Emily suggested.

Roland and Lana agreed immediately. They wanted to participate in the game, but they didn't know how good my kids were at soccer. Morgan and I spared a glance before nodding our heads.

- Super. But we are not equal. - Emma muttered.

- No problems. We can beat you anyway. - Roland grinned smugly.

The children looked at us slyly and Elijah spoke:

- We'll see, cousin.

- You will lose. - Liam laughed happily.

Charlie didn't say anything, but she was smiling happily, and I knew she wanted to be in the game. I loved their enthusiasm. The moment we finished breakfast; the kids ran on the field to prepare.

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