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I stopped in front of one of the rooms and looked at my husband who was standing in front of me. I could swear he was grinning under the mask, and I opened the door.

A terrifying scene appeared before my eyes, and I immediately looked away. The people who we should have saved were lying on the ground holding knives and were covered in blood. Morgan's voice gained my attention:

- They had fought with each other and had killed each other.

- Who is so cruel to do that? – I couldn't restrain my disgust and anger – You have to have a mental disorder to do this.

Morgan glanced at me, and I could see through the goggles of his mask his worried eyes. I was about to say something when I heard yelling. I and my husband rushed through the corridors, and I noticed in one of the big rooms that Roland and Lana were fighting. However, the power was unequal. They were losing and they needed our help. Morgan reacted faster than I did, grabbed an arrow and shouted:

- Devil, Fox, cover your eyes.

Roland and Lana immediately pushed their opponents back, and Morgan fired an arrow into the middle of the room. It exploded, temporarily blinding all the bad people. Our masks with Morgan were protected from that, but those of Roland and Lana were not. The four of us left the room.

- What happened? - Lana asked confused.

- Men and women are dead. – I said – We have to get away from here.

We continued navigating through the corridors in silence until Roland burst into a small laugh and we all stared at him. I swear this man is acting like I child in some moments.

- Thank you for creating this name. – Roland said looking at Morgan and mocking him – I appreciate it, Wolf.

- Always, Devil. – Morgan replied with the same tone.

Suddenly I stopped seeing that Alejandro and his henchmen were standing in front of the exit. Morgan, Roland, and Lana stopped in their tracks too and all of them grabbed their weapons ready to fight.

- This will be so much fun. – Alejandro chuckled – Killed them.

Alejandro's followers attacked us at the same time. I managed to avoid the attack of a villain and kicked him. He hit the wall and fell to the ground. A second swung a knife at me. I stopped his attack. I pushed him back and fired a small disk from my stun bracelet. He clung to his neck, electrizing him. Another assistant jumped in front of me, attacking me this time with a sword. He only managed to scratch the suit.

I knocked the man to the ground and pulled out my pistol, firing at Alejandro. He noticed me and managed to avoid my attack. I ran to him and wrapped my legs around his neck. I knocked him to the ground. He pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the leg. I let him go grumbling in pain. He jumped on top of me and prepared to cut me. An arrow blew. He jumped back. Morgan appeared beside me and helped me to my feet.

Alejandro stood up painfully and pulled out his pistol. I noticed that Lana was still struggling with a follower. Roland had just knocked down his follower. Alejandro aimed his pistol at Lana and fired. Before Morgan and I could react, Roland protected her with his body. The boy fell to the ground clutching for the chest. I rushed to them. Lana was already pressing against his wound, begging him to stay awake. I turned and noticed Morgan watching Alejandro and his subordinates escape.

- Morgan. - I shouted and he looked at me.

My husband came to us and picked up Roland in her arms before running to the car we had come in. Arriving at the headquarters, Roland was taken over by the medical staff and Lana fled with them. Morgan pushed me to sit down and touched the wound on my leg. I made a painful grimace and asked:

- Is it serious?

- No, it's just the surface. Everything will be fine. - Morgan reassured me and began to bandage her.

- Since when do you understand wounds? - I asked.

- When you spend your whole life wounded, you learn this and that. - Morgan shrugged - Don't worry. I know enough not to kill you.

- Very reassuring. - I rolled my eyes.


Lana was staying in front of the room and was trying to stay calm. There were small tears under her eyes. She was so worried about Roland, that she immediately forgot their past. She only cared now if he would be okay. The moment the doctor exited the door, Lana asked:

- How he is?

- He is fine. There are no complications, but for now, it will remain here because we want to observe it. - the doctor explained – You can go inside and see him. He woke up.

Lana went inside and smiled through her tears. Roland was lying on a hospital bed in an oxygen mask and on systems. The woman approached him and took his hand and the man smiled.

- I managed to repay you. - Roland murmured wearily.

- What do you mean? - Lana asked, wiping away her tears with one hand.

- Jumping in front of you I managed to get repaid for all the bad things I did to you. At least if I die, I will know you're better. - Roland replied.

Lana smiled sadly, realizing that she had done nothing to deserve it. At that moment, she decided and would no longer follow her consciousness. She would follow his heart. Roland was still muttering that he would keep jumping in front of her until she forgave him. Lana couldn't stand it and kissed him on the cheek very close to the oxygen mask. This immediately stopped the boy from speaking, and he smiled happily as sly sparks began to sparkle in his eyes. Roland couldn't believe that she had kissed him on the cheek. All the fatigue and pain he was feeling disappeared instantly. The boy could have sworn he had butterflies in his stomach.

- The kiss was because you wanted to make me stop talking or because you liked me. - Roland asked, unable to contain his playful smile.

- Yes, exactly. I like you. - Lana agreed and pecked his cheek – And I forgive you, idiot.

Roland's smile got even bigger if that is possible and he squeezed Lana's hand lovingly. Lana took the closest chair and leaned on her hand staring into Roland's eyes.


The moment Morgan and I entered the yard of the manor, I noticed that the builders were already working on the second part of the manor. Lana would live there after our mansion was too small for everyone. There was a chance Roland would live with her after they had shared a cheek kiss. Yes, I know about this. I may have seen through the ajar door how Lana kissed Roland's cheek and confessed she liked him.

Entering our mansion, Bella and Bailey greeted us and began to jump happily on us. I stroked the dogs and noticed a small detail.

- Obviously, there will be another family living with us. - I stated happily.

- Wait, what? - Morgan shouted confused, and sighed after one second, realizing what I meant - Will we be able to handle ten children, two dogs, and puppies in a few weeks, I suppose?

- Of course. - I answered.

The kids rushed to us and started asking questions one over another. Almost nothing could be understood, but I already have experience with it. If I have to be honest, both Morgan and I already had an experience with their enthusiasm and I answered all their questions.

Once Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, Emily, Charlie, Elijah, and Liam were pleased with the answers, they smiled and began to show us what they had done while we were gone. We helped them with all the unsolved problems on their assignments and spent the rest of the day watching movies in the cinema on the top floor.

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